Sinking Heart 2

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 Picture of Mandy as Candice Accola

Aria's POV -

"Did you pack everything?" My mother, Lucy, asked.

"I did." I mumbled quietly, adverting my eyes to the floor. It was how she liked it. Ever since the accident, our relationship was never the same. In her eyes, I was a murderer. I killed my best friend. I was a murderer in everyone's eyes. Hell, I was a murderer in my own eyes.

"Good." She replied, sounding relieved. She wanted me gone.

My brother, Damon, entered my room holding our bags in his hand. He planted them on the floor and looked between my mother and I.

He focused his gaze on me. "Are you ready to go, Aria?" He asked. 

I took a long minute to look around my now- old room. My once pink, messy room is now deserted and clean. My posters are long gone. My closet is empty, as are my drawers. Pictures of my childhood that were scattered all over my walls, are now ripped to pieces by my mother. 

I sighed, looked up at Damon and nodded, letting him know that I was ready. He marched over, until he was standing in front of me. He sighed, bent forward, kissed my forehead and whispered that we'll be okay in my ear, before picking up our bags.

 With one last glance at my house, I followed Damon into the car.

I think part of me was hoping that my dad would change his mind. Part of me was hoping he would at least say goodbye. But, he didn't. I rested my head against the window with silent tears streaming down my face, as Damon drove off to our new home. To a new school. He drove off to a new town; to a new life.

"Aria" I heard someone whisper quietly before shaking my shoulder gently.

"Wake up Aria...we're here." 

I opened my eyes and looked up at Damon who was holding my door open. I sighed, picked myself up and followed him.

He stopped in front of a beautiful, and extremely big house. There was a black mustang parked in the driveway, already. I knew the car was for Damon, it was his favorite. I guess that's mom's apology as she knew he had nothing to do with what happened. It was all my fault.

I looked up at Damon who, currently, was running at the mustang. He looked happy but I knew better. He didn't want to leave town. He didn't want to leave his friends, his school or our parents. He didn't have to leave either. Mom and Dad just wanted me out of the house. They didn't want to have to deal with my crap anymore. They didn't want the whole town staring at them whenever I walked by. They didn't want people to talk about them- about what happened, what I did- forever.

I guess they just wanted to live their lives like I never existed. 

But Damon didn't want that. Damon was different. When mom and dad decided to send me away, he volunteered to stay with me. He didn't want me to be on my own, as I was too young. I'm seventeen, that's not young; but Damon and I can agree to disagree.

I picked up my bags off the floor and walked up the front porch. 'Here we go' I thought before pulling out the keys and pushing the door open.

The house was beautiful; that it was. But the house, was not going to make me forget everything that's happened. I guess dad thought it would- but it wouldn't. 

How do you forget? Is it even possible for a person to forget? How could I forget the fact that I killed my best friend? How could I forget the way people looked at me? The way her parents looked at me. The way her brother Luke, glared at me.

Luke was Mandy's big brother. He was also my big brother once; but after the accident, he never spoke to me again. He only whispered three words to me. "You killed her."

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