Chapter 3 - The trolley

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Started: 12:41am
Tw: swearing (again)🥰

Nobody's pov
After the small quarrel between Cyrus and Ashton they all decided to head off now as all their parents said they were allowed to be out for a couple hours. They left the school just aimlessly roaming around speaking, laughing, just overall having a good time.
After they spoke for a little while, they decided on actually doing something instead of just walking around aimlessly, speaking. So, they went searching for a trolley to possibly play around with.

Kai's pov
We weren't really doing much, just speaking and laughing, walking around aimlessly before I finally spoke up, saying. "Can we actually do something entertaining instead of just talking?!"
They all looked to me before looking to each other and agreeing, a little bored just speaking while walking around aimlessly.
I let out a small sigh of relief, nodding my head before asking to go find a trolley. They didn't really seem to get why I wanted to find a trolley, but Ashton definitely did. He snickered a little, knowing what my idea was already and agreeing to go find a trolley.

We went off searching for the trolley, all staying together in the group and not separating to go find a trolley. We walked around a little before eventually coming across a trolley in an empty parking lot that had been flipped onto its side. I smiled widely, instantly going over to the trolley and lifting it back onto its wheels, standing at the handlebars and motioning for Ashton and Cyrus to get in.
They all seemed to get what I was getting at now, a cheeky grin spreading across Cyrus's face, a small, but cheeky smile on Ashton's face. Cyrus and Ashton hopped into the trolley. Cyrus sitting on Ashton's lap with his iconic idiotic, child-like smile on his face. Ashton had his arms around Cyrus's waist, a neutral expression and the slightest curve of his lips. I began to push the trolley, starting off slow at first but gradually picking up the pace of the trolley, all of us laughing like idiots as I ran around an empty parking lot, pushing a trolley with two people in it, the both of them seeming to be a little big to be sitting in the trolley.

I eventually started to slow down a little before coming to a stop, still laughing a bit as I motioned for Ashton and Cyrus to get out the cart. They got out as I motioned for Luna and Leo to come into the trolley now so I could push them around.
Just like before, they got into the trolley, Leo sitting on Luna's lap while her hands and a little of her forearms were resting on Leo's thighs. As soon as they were sat and ready, I started to push them along, all of us starting to laugh like idiots again as I almost lost control this time. After that I slowed down once again and motioned them out so me and Violet could have a turn with Ashton pushing us around in the trolley.

I got into the trolley with Violet following short behind me, sitting in my lap as Ashton slowly started to push around the trolley. First, he started off in small circles, but gradually made the circles bigger and quicker, making us a bit dizzy. He picked up the pace of the trolley, pushing us in a straight line now. He tried stopping, but realised he couldn't since he was going a little fast. He started to panic a little so he decided to sharply turn the trolley to its side, almost making us flip out of it. But luckily, we didn't.

Ashton's pov
I pushed them around a bit, eventually coming to a stop but almost making them fall out the cart. I let out a small sigh as they got out the trolley, luckily not hurt.
We all realised we had been here for about an hour, and we had also spent the first half hour speaking. So, we didn't really have much time left to hangout. We decided to relax for the last half hour just speaking.
We spoke for a little before an idea came to my mind. I was a little hesitant on it but decided on it anyway.

"Uh, guys. Y'know since it's like Friday and that, we could possibly ask our parents if we could stay over my place for the weekend..?"
I asked, stuttering a little as I got a little embarrassed for whatever reason, overthinking it a little. They all seemed to like the idea though and started to text their parents about sleeping over mine for the weekend. Luckily their parents seemed chill about it and agreed. It was just me now who had to text my mum about them sleeping over.

( Ashton > Ma )
ma, could Kai, Leo, Cyrus, Violet and Luna stay the weekend, please?
     mmm, I don't know. As long as you've done all your chores this week, then yeah sure they can.
Yeah ma, I have.
        Then sure, they can stay the weekend.
thank you.

"My mum said you guys can stay.."
I mumbled out, looking down to my phone still, swiping up all my opened apps before putting my phone back into my pocket, keeping my head hung low still, though.

Cyrus's pov
Ashton was texting his mum while I leaned over his shoulder, watching him text pretty quickly. As soon as he said we could stay over I let out a shout.
"FUCKING, YES!!" As soon as I let out the shout, the others burst into laughter, just besides Ashton. He still didn't seem to be in the best mood.. I'll try getting Kai to ask him about it later, I thought.

(Time skip cause idk what else to do)

All of us headed home to go pack our clothes for the sleepover and later on all go to Ashton's around 6pm, in about an hour. I went home, greeting my ma and pa with a big smile, going up to my room excitedly and packing my clothes, and a couple more things that'll be mentioned later on.
I packed and set my bag beside my bed, going over to my desk and sitting, just playing around with some games on my computer, waiting for the time to pass.

Nobody's pov
Everybody went back to their own places, packed and got ready to go over to Ashton's place in about an hour. Ashton waited in his room, putting some music on his speakers, not putting it up too loud as to not annoy the neighbours. (Just to mention he's home alone with his siblings already at their own friends houses, and his parents out for a couple nights)

Ashton's pov
"This is fucking boring. I'm gonna do something really fucking stupid."
I mumbled out, laying down on my bed staring straight to the ceiling, some music playing on my speakers. I got up, turning the music up a bit before I left my room, leaving my door open so I could hear the music from downstairs. I walked down the stairs, going into the kitchen while 'sex with a ghost', by Teddy Hyde was playing on my speakers upstairs.
I went to the kitchen, climbing up on the counter out of pure boredom and just started to walk around on it carefully as to not fall off and split my head on the tiled flooring. I walked around on the counter a little for about 10-15 minutes, humming along with the music upstairs. After those minutes I got off the counter and just walked around the house, thinking of what to do when the others got here for the sleepover.

"I'm gonna have a nap before they get here.."
I mumbled to myself, going into the backroom and laying on the lounge, laying on my stomach with my right arm dangling off the side of the lounge. I closed my eyes, the music still playing upstairs so I could listen to it as I fell asleep.

Finished: 9:53am
1387 words
Took a couple hours to finished (went to sleep throughout the night and continued in the morning)

Read my friends stories, they're good👹
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