Chapter 6 - Smooch!

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Started: 8:39pm
Tw: swearing 😰😰

Ashton's pov
"It's so cold.." I mumbled out softly, wrapping my arms around Kai's hips, laying down next to her comfortably, closing my eyes as she started to rub my back a little, continuing to speak with the others casually, acting as if I wasn't here and this was normal. The others were a little amused but didn't question and just shrugged it off as me and Kai were normally a little touchy and close with each other.

I tossed and turned a little, eventually unwrapping my arms from her and turning around the other way, pulling the blanket over me with a small groan, trying to find a comfortable position on the uncomfortable floor. As I was tossing and turning, the others kept staring, occasionally giggling a bit at my noises of tired and uncomfortable annoyance, but other than that they kept speaking casually with Kai and each other.
I didn't really pay attention to them, still trying to get comfortable and eventually giving up, just sitting up before crawling out from under the fort, standing up and laying on my bed, pulling out my phone and scrolling through twitter out of pure boredom.

Kai crawled out soon after me, probably since the conversation was getting a little boring. She stood up and stretched before crawling onto my bed with me, cuddling up behind me and starting to ramble on a little about literally anything and everything she could think of, including the weird things that come to her mind. I didn't move and just kept still, not in a stiff way, more so a relaxed way. I just listened to her ramble on, not saying anything unless it required an answer, occasionally mumbling out a small "mhm.." every now and again so that she knew I was listening.
She rambled and rambled for a little over half an hour before eventually the others came out from under the fort and suggested we all went downstairs to have breakfast now.

Cyrus's pov
I sat under the fort, attempting to annoy Violet while she rambled on about something. I poked at her, wanting a reaction but not really getting one. I got frustrated so I decided to lean my whole body weight on her, wanting us to tumble down, which, we did. I had leaned on her shoulder with my full body weight, making the both of us to tumble onto our backs.

"You fucking idiot!"
Violet shouted at me, pushing me off her as I just snickered along with Luna and Leo. She just scoffed afterwards and sat back up, continuing to ramble on a bit more before eventually it came to an end and we finally crawled out from under the fort, planning to head downstairs for breakfast now.
We all headed downstairs, chatting along softly as we made our way down. We got into the kitchen, all of us besides Ashton, making ourselves a small breakfast, either a couple slices of toast and/or cereal.

Ashton just sat in the lounge room, laying down on the lounge comfortably, just staring straight ahead with a sorta blank expression. All of us shrugged it off and sat at the dining table or at the stools at the counter, besides Kai who went into the lounge room and sat with Ashton, the both of them just chatting softly.

I was the first one to finish with my breakfast. I stood up from the dining table and rushed out the kitchen and back upstairs to Ashton's room where all my stuff was. I ran upstairs, rummaging through my bag for my toothbrush and toothpaste before going into Ashton's bathroom and brushing my teeth quickly. Afterwards I ran back downstairs, secretly having lipstick in my pocket as I just ran throughout the house without a word to them.
I ran out the front door, suddenly running down the road and picking a small bunch of blue forget me not flowers before running back to Ashton's place and barging through the door.

I immediately ran to the kitchen again, just to find that Violet wasn't there. I let out a small sigh of annoyance before Luna suddenly spoke up, saying. "She's having a shower."
I looked to Luna as she spoke and just nodded my head before I asked softly, "what bathroom?" And then Luna replied back with, "the one down here."
I nodded again before going over to the bathroom and sitting outside the door, my legs crossed comfortably as I patiently waited for her to come out the bathroom. After about another 5 minutes she eventually came out, all dressed and that. She looked down to me sitting on the floor and I just looked up to her with a big, idiotic but sweet smile.

"Flowers for you, my love."
I said cheekily, holding up the flowers to her as she was drying her hair in a towel. She didn't say anything and just took the flowers from me, looking at them for a second before looking away with a small blush coming to her cheeks. I just laughed at her a little before standing up with that same smile and then running back off somewhere around the house.

Violet's pov
I was sat at the dining table, eating my breakfast while I spoke with Luna until Cyrus abruptly stood up and started rushing around the house, just doing a couple things before running out the house and down the street. The most of us watched in amusement, besides Leo since he looked like he would pass out sleeping any minute now. I just brushed it off since this was stuff Cyrus would usually do.
After I finished my breakfast I got up and headed upstairs, getting my clothes for the day, which was the same navy blue shirt and some red basketball shorts, and of course different undergarments. I went to the downstairs bathroom, calling out I was taking a shower before hopping into the bathroom and getting into the shower.

I had that quick shower and got out, drying myself and getting dressed. I opened the bathroom door and looked down to see Cyrus sitting next to the bathroom door with that idiotic smile of his. He suddenly put his hand up, holding a small bunch of blue forget me nots while saying, "flowers for you, my love."

I looked down at him for a minute before taking the flowers from his hand and turning my head away and muttering a small, "yep, thanks.." before he abruptly got up and started running off somewhere in the house. I let out a small sigh before walking upstairs into Ashton's room and putting the flowers in a small plastic bag I had in my bag. I stood up again grabbing my pink fedora and putting it on.
I went over to Ashton's mirror and looked at myself, a small frown on my face out of bad habit. I stood there for a couple minutes until suddenly Cyrus barged through the door, looking around the room for a second before his eyes landed on me. His eyes instantly lit up as he sprinted over to me, tackling me to the floor and planting a kiss on my cheek, he also had lipstick on so it did leave a mark..

I let out a small shout at him tackling me before pushing him off me, my eyebrows furrowed and my cheeks flushed red as he just snickered, standing up and running back out the room.
I scoffed before standing up myself and looking back into the mirror, a frown still on my face but my cheeks reddened this time and a kiss mark on my left cheek. "I just had a goddamn shower. That fucking idiot.." I shook my head and walked out the room, not bothering to wipe off the lipstick on my cheek, walking downstairs and into the lounge room where everyone was, just sitting around and chatting.
I went over to Kai and sat down next to her, slightly curled up into a ball as I leaned on her, staring straight ahead and not saying a word.

"Cyrus did that?"
Kai asked as I nodded to the obvious question she just asked. The day continued on from there, not really doing much and just hanging out at Ashton's place for the rest of the day and continuing on into the night.

Finished: 11:08pm
1448 words
Over a week to finish (didn't have the most motivation as you can tell)

                     art by me (character is Violet btw, pretend the background and proportions are good)

                     art by me (character is Violet btw, pretend the background and proportions are good)

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