Chapter 13 - Sporting day

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Started: 5:38pm
Tw: swearing☹️🤑

Ashton's pov
It had been a couple days since me and the other 5 went out to get tattoos. It was currently 4am on Friday, the sporting day I fucking dreaded. I had just woken up from a horrible sleep. I was sweating profusely, my shoulders and neck hurting from the position I had woken up in. I was just laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling with a tired and blank expression on my face. I didn't wanna go to school today, but I knew I had to or I'd get in trouble. Eventually, I sat up, kicking the blankets off of me, getting out of bed and turning on my fan, standing still for a minute in the dark room, tired and annoyed.

"Why did I have to wake up..." I mumbled to myself, looking down to the floor, closing my eyes and standing there for another couple seconds before turning my light on, looking around my room, sighing and then going into my bathroom, not bothering to go back to sleep since I had to wake up again in an hour and a half or so. I undressed quickly, turning on the water, keeping it pretty hot and hopping in, giving my hair and body a quick wash for about 10 minutes before hopping back out.
Once out I quickly dried myself off, wrapping my towel around my waist, walking out of my bathroom and rummaging through my drawers, getting dressed into my school uniform. Once dressed I grabbed my phone and AirPods from my nightstand, connecting my AirPods up to my phone before listening to 'Brianstorm' Arctic Monkeys on repeat, in hopes of lifting my mood up a bit.
I let out a soft sigh, going over to my desk and looking at my timetable for whatever reason, already knowing I wouldn't have any classes today and all I would be doing is sport.

"First and second period I'm gonna be out on the oval.. third and fourth I'm in the pool, and fifth period I'm in the court.." I mumbled to myself in thought, staring at my timetable blankly. After a minute or two I quickly snapped out of whatever kind of trance I was in, standing up straight again and going over to my bag, chucking it onto my bed before rummaging through my drawers again, pulling out my swimming trunks and shirt, shoving them into my bag. "What's the time now..." I murmured, grabbing my phone and checking, seeing it was now 4:16am. Right now I could hear mum and dad downstairs, probably getting ready for work since they had it at 4:30am today.
I let out a groan, stretching my arms up into the air, letting out another, more prolonged groan. After stretching I fell back onto my bed, rolling around on it a little before rolling off it and onto the floor, laying there with a frown on my face. Soon enough I got back up, making my bed before sitting on the edge of it, pulling up Spotify on my phone and changing the music, putting my arctic monkeys playlist on shuffle, flopping back against my bed and closing my eyes, the first song being, 'baby I'm yours.'

I hummed along with the music, growing more and more tired by the second until I eventually fell back asleep. I was sleeping peacefully until I got woken up by someone shaking me. "Fuck off.." I grumbled out, smacking their hands away, not wanting to wake back up again and just wanting to sleep. "Wake the fuck up Ashton, it's 8:28am, we're gonna fucking be late to roll call you dumbass!" I heard Ashlyn say. Immediately, my eyes shot open, sitting up and looking to her, a panicked expression on my face while I said, "you fucking serious!?" "YES I FUCKING AM! WE TRIED WAKING YOU UP EARLIER BUT YOU JUST WENT STRAIGHT BACK TO SLEEP!" She shouted at me, punching me in the shoulder.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING SHOUT AT ME!" I shouted back, pushing her away before standing up, grabbing my bag and pushing past her, putting my AirPods back into its case and my phone in my pocket, walking downstairs and out the front door, not even bothering to wait for the others. Soon enough they were following right behind me, chatting along with each other while I kept quiet.

Ash's pov
"The fuck is wrong with him..?" I asked Ashlyn once she was downstairs, seeing how Ashton just stormed out the front door with his bag. "He's in a shitty mood. Probably just tired.." she hissed out, seeming to also be in a snappy mood now, assumably cause of Ashton. "You also seem angry," Asher chimed in, smiling at her sweetly, not really expecting her reply to be too bad. But oh, he was so wrong. "SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'm not.." Asher flinched a bit at her shout, his smile dropping as he went quiet, looking down to his lap a bit. "Look what you've done now," I whispered to her, looking to her from the corner of my eye, my eyebrows narrowed as she replied back with, "you also shut the fuck up," "you can't get your way with me, Ashlyn." I spat back, standing my ground and not giving her any sort of reaction she probably wants.

Those nightsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora