Chapter 9 - "Are you sorry?"

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Started: 5:02pm
Tw: swearing, fighting

Ashton's pov
The nurse patched me up, trying her best to wipe off the blood from my collar, getting most of it off, but it did sadly leave a faint stain on it, which was fine by me. After she patched me up I asked if I could quickly go to the staff toilet as I still needed to since it got interrupted earlier. She said I could as she was worried about me going back to the students bathroom and the same thing happening again.
I thanked her for patching me up and letting me go to the staffs bathroom, going out the office and doing my business in the bathroom, going back out to the office afterwards, to while the front desk ladies said they had already called the 3 of them up to Mr Collymore's office to get disciplined by him.

I thanked them, walking back into the playground and going back to my second period class to grab my bag and all that. I went and got my bag then going back out into the playground, going to the grass area where the other five were. They were all sat up the right hand corner up at the silver seats, all of them such seemingly talking, besides Cyrus who was digging a hole in the dirt.
I walked over to them all, sitting next to Kai who was sat on the dirt ground comfortably.

"Where have you been? You're usually the first one here," Kai asked with a contagiously sweet smile. I averted my gaze from hers, staying quiet for a second while a pink hue rose to my cheeks, then telling her quietly, "just up at the office.."

"What for?" She asked, to which I panicked slightly at, knowing that if I told her why she would be pretty angry at Lucas and that. "Nothing. It was nothing," I tried lying, looking back up to her with a neutral expression, trying to make it seem believable, but of course, she didn't believe me, and I could tell since when I said that the smile on her face went away instantly.
"Ashton, was it them again?"

"It wasn't, really," I continued to try saying, but of course she still didn't believe me by the tone of my voice. "It was them, wasn't it," she said with pure seriousness, a speck of irritation underlying her tone. "Ok, yeah, it was," I mumbled out, bringing my knees up to my chest and burying my face into them, hating when conversations like this came around.

"What'd they do this time?" I let out a groan of displeasure at her question, murmuring out inaudible words. Kai's expression contorted to one basically saying, 'come on' but with a hint of annoyance behind it, "just tell me what they did, Ashton," she said with irritation. I let out a prolonged whine of frustration, not wanting to say what happened as I felt ashamed and embarrassed since I hadn't stuck up for myself (sorta).
"Lucas only kicked me a couple times in the face.." I grumbled out, Kai still not believing me, asking with the same irritation, "Just a couple?"

"Maybe a bit more than a couple. BUT, but, I did block the blows with my arms! So they didn't all hit me in the head and face.." I whined out,  scooting away from her a bit in embarrassment and shame. Kai nodded with a calm expression, seemingly thinking for a moment before I spoke up, "I don't want you getting in trouble, Kai,"

"I'm not gonna get in trouble. Just stay here and I promise I won't get myself in trouble," she said calmly, standing up with a small but sweet smile, but I knew her blood was boiling with anger behind the calm and sweet facade she's putting up.

Kai's pov
I stood up, putting on my calm facade, but underlying it was rage boiling deep inside my blood. I told him to stay there, probably gonna be seeing him next break as there was only about 7-10 minutes left of this break as it was only 15 minutes. He just sat there, looking down to his legs and not saying anything else, probably thinking I was gonna get myself into trouble. I wasn't though, I knew I wouldn't.

I then went off searching around the school a little, first going to a place way down in the staff car park where students weren't allowed, knowing for sure the three of them would be there. Just before going back there though I pulled out my phone from my bag, opening my contacts and texting Mitchell to meet me here, knowing that I would win against the three of them on my own without getting hurt.
A minute or two later Mitchell made it over to me, a sweet expression on his face, asking why I wanted him over here.

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