Red Hood

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Jim's Apartment

No one POV

Eleanor was sitting down and was picking at her nails as she looked at the tv and said "People rooting for robbers, that's new."

Eleanor looked at her nails which were bleeding and she got up and washed her hands from the sink.

Jim said "Hey, how are you doing?" and Eleanor said "Me, I'm fine, Did you catch the Red Hood Gang people."

Jim said "Not yet, but one's been found" and Eleanor said "Not alive."

Jim said "No, I think that we're not going to see any more of them" and Eleanor said "You probably will, Probably someone of the gang killed him, and now that person is the leader of the gang. And if he's smart, He'll continue to do the whole we're not stealing from you, we're stealing from the bank, to gain sympathy."

Jim said "How do you know all this?" and Eleanor said "The circus is not just a circus, you see a lot of stuff there, lot of crime. Some people of the circus did business with Falcone."

Jim said "Really, how come no one knew about this" and Eleanor said "If you saw someone doing business with Falcone, and you only work in a circus, will you really risk your life. Plus you never saw much."

Jim said "Did you ever see anyone else."

Eleanor said "Just some people that worked for him. They never saw me. I had bigger problems I didn't need any more."


Eleanor was sitting at the apartment and was looking over at something and the telephone rang and Eleanor answered and said "Hello?".

On the other end, it said "Hi, Is this the residence of Eleanor Valeska, I'm looking for her" and Eleanor said "And your talking to her, who are you?".

The person said "I'm a nurse at Arkham Asylum" and Eleanor sighed and said "Let me guess, My brother wants to talk to me, or to taunt me, or mock."

The nurse said "Yes, Miss Valeska, Will you accept the call, it is up to you" and Eleanor sighed and said "Fine."

The nurse said "One moment."

Jerome said "Hi ya, Sis."

Eleanor said "Jerome."

Jerome said "You know, sissy I have to say I'm hurt, I haven't seen you at all since I've been here, we're all we have."

Eleanor said "Yeah, yeah, Visiting my psychotic brother who murdered our mother in a place full of other psychos, what could go wrong."

Jerome said "Oh come on, Sissy, Your not really mad about that, You hated our mother just as much I do, and I bet that if I hadn't done it , eventually you would have done it. I mean come on, all the abuse, all the hitting, all the nagging, not to mention what those boyfriends of hers tried to. And what our uncle tried to" and Eleanor said "What about you? Mom was not the only abuser, you would imprison me, torment me torture me, your no better."

Jerome said "Oh come on, sissy, deep down inside, you know the truth, we're the same."

Eleanor said "No, we're not."

Jerome said "Yes, we are, your just like me, if you weren't , I would have killed you too, you know I don't like being bored."

Eleanor said "Enjoy Arkahm, Jerome."

Jerome said "Your already broken, Nellie, you bleed and bleed and cause yourself to bleed and keep biting, all it takes is one snap."

Eleanor hanged up.

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