Damned If You Do

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Jacob Valeska 

Jacob Valeska 

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At A Rooftop 

No one POV 

Eleanor was sitting down with Selina and Selina said "He acts weird, not like himself, he's more like a brain washed." 

Eleanor said "Great. I still have that freaking favour from Penguin" and Selina said "He hasn't called it in yet." 

Eleanor said "Nope, which is just so great, and Jim's just a traffic cop" and Selina said"Yeah, I know, have you told you know who about Jacob". 

Eleanor said "It's not like my uncle will care, all we were we're just punching bags" and Selina said "Not him." 

Eleanor said 'Mr. Cicero. No, He doesn't need to know, he didn't care for years, he knew what was happening, and did nothing, so I don't need to tell him anything, Let him know what it's like for a change." 

Selina said "You want me to kick his ass." 

Eleanor smiled and said "I mean since your offering." 

Selina smiled and said "I think you don't have to wait any longer, because he asked me to bring you." 

Eleanor said "Oh, great." 

Jim's Apartment 

Eleanor was eating and Jim said "You still haven't told him" and Eleanor said "No." 

She handed the ice cream back to Jim and Jim said "Thank you" and Eleanor said "Sorry about you getting fired, okay, fine I'm not sorry."

Jim said "look, I'm a cop, Nell, I can't explain it, I just I can't leave" and Eleanor said "Hmm" and Jim said "What?". 

Eleanor said "Penguin is bringing up the debt, and that means I'll have to see my brother there, how he is, I just I think once I see him, I'll see him alive, and I'll break." 

Jim said "Where does Selina want you to go" and Eleanor sadi "You don't have to do that." 

Jim said "Let me, Penguin doesn't get to take away more of your time with your brother." 

Eleanor smiled and said "Thanks." 

At the Manor 

Jim walked in and Penguin who was sitting at the head of the table, with Butch, Jacob, Victor and Selina. 

Penguin said "Splendid. Jim! Come on in! My dear old friend.  Not who I was expecting, Tell me, why did your sister not come." 

Jacob said "You invited Nell here" and Penguin said "Well, of course, a nice family reunion" and Jim said "We need to talk." 

Penguin said "Oh. Leave us." 

Victor and Butch walked away. Jim said "Hey, Selina. Moving on up, huh?" and Selina said "Tryin'." 

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