All Our Life's part 1 ch 8

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"All Our Life's ch 8"
At Beatrice -Beatrice was sitting on the couch drinking her coffee when her phone rang it was her mother Vivian who was the chelf of the Hospital."Oh no that's terrible "Beatrice hang up the phone."I sure of been Mrs. Whithrops "

At Constantine/Theodore-Theodore was happy he just got off the phone when Elizabeth Came Into The Room."Daddy, You look happy "I'm, Is Genevieve up" Why" I know it's hard but I need you to get along with you're sister "I'll try it just hard" I know" Genevieve Came Into the room she was in her robe."Good you're awake I need you both to get the house ready you're Mother is coming home I want your mother favorite flowers in each room and her favorite tea" Yes Daddy "Genevieve I want you to get along with everyone and stop being selfish this time" I'm not selfish "Really "Elizabeth, Genevieve Please "Find where are the twins "They had to go to the library "Oh it's early "Yes but you get a lot done in the morning now go get dressed "Alright "I'll go talk to the cook" Elizabeth left and Genevieve went upstairs.

Theodore was getting ready to leave when Beatrice came in wearing a sexy dress."Beatrice "Theodore I hear about Constantine I'm so sorry If there anything I can do" Beatrice went close to him."Beatrice, I love my wife "Genevieve came downstairs she knows about her father's history with Beatrice."Daddy, Aren't you late for mother "Yes, I'm "Theodore left."I wouldn't let you come between my parents, My Mother Need Daddy "I wouldn't mess with me" Beatrice left as Elizabeth Came Into the room."What's going on" Beatrice was hitting on Daddy "Daddy Love Mother Nothing Will happens "I hope not" Go Get Mother's favorite flower "Yes "You know it's Daisy "Yes I do, I may have been gone but I remember things "Genevieve left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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