All Our Life's part 1 ch 14

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"All Our Life's ch 14"
At Cartier Sister's Hotel-Ivy was at the hotel sitting at the table when Susan Came Into the room and went to see her mother."Mother "Susan "Are you going to stay in town" I don't know I hate how we left things "You lied to me about my father my whole life" I know and I'm sorry I miss you" I do want to fix things "Me too, How's business "My makeup company is doing great "That's good" Yes, Grandfather did love you" No he didn't "Mother "Enough getting sentimental let's have breakfast together "Alright "

At Constantine/Theodore-Constantine was having some tea with Miranda who was still there," I always wanted a better relationship with Genevieve but I don't think we will have one" Genevieve was in the hallway and listening to them."You could try "Maybe I don't have time to fight with her I have to fight this cancer "Yes you do" Each child of mine is different Elizabeth does the right thing and loves with all her heart and is someone you can count on and TJ is loyalty and love his father that's why he wanted to work with Theodore I know I couldn't talk him out of it and Genevieve always think about herself and gets what she wants to dame with everyone else "Genevieve went into the room."Yes, I'm that selfish "Genevieve "Miranda, Genevieve and I need to talk" Constantine "I will find "Miranda left."Mother "Genevieve went to the bar and poured herself some water."Genevieve we do need to heal from the past, I love you and I did miss you" It was our agreement you and Daddy raise them and I left town and never came back "We want you to come home we miss you "No you didn't "Genevieve I miss you as much as you miss the twins "Theodore Came Into the room."Is everything okay "Yes, Everything Find since Brunch didn't go well I want to have a family dinner "Yes Mother Do you need anything "No, I'm going to talk to the cook" Genevieve you need to be tested for a bone marrow "I will, Mother I love you and I know we have our disagreements but I don't want you to die" I know "Genevieve left.

"Constantine "I don't think we will ever heal" Maybe in time "Yes" I'm glad she's here" Me too "

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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