All Our Life's part 1 ch 27

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"All our life's ch 27"
Grace-Grace was at home thinking about that night and what happened that changed her life forever when Miranda came into the room."Miranda, Why are you here" I want to know if you will make sure that he leaves town "I don't know I think you and you're sister need him" Mother "We were happy with him to remember "Yes but it hurts that he left us" I know baby I was hurt too but maybe we need him" Maybe "Miranda it's okay to open up, You and you're sisters are like that sometimes, Constantine is always about what people think of her" Yes I know she worrying about the truth coming out" Yes but maybe it's time"

At Pine Hospital-Constantine room-Constantine was waking up to Find Genevieve in a wheelchair in her room."Genevieve "Mother I'm glad you're alright "Me too, Thanks to you for saving my life "Maybe we can get a second chance "I would like that too, I love you" I love you too "A nurse came into the room." Ms. Genevieve, you need to rest, Both of you" The nurse wheeled Genevieve out of the room,

At Elizabeth/Peter-Elizabeth was happy to be with her children she missed them."So is Grandma better "Yes She is" So are you home for good "Yes Madeline and Zack I'm "Good "Yes "

Copyright by Skye's The limit

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