All Our Life's part 1 ch 32

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"All Our Life's ch 32"
At Constantine/Theodore-Genevieve came in with her parents who were upset about it."This isn't good now everyone knows our family laundry "Oh mother who cares about everyone, It's the twins who matter here" As Sunday Rose and Matthew Came Into the room."How did you hide your pregnancy from the whole town "Mother And Daddy helped me hide it, I stayed home, and Mother faked a pregnancy "Why did you do this? why didn't you raise us" Because I didn't want to be a mother when I was young "Did you pick a career over us" Yes, I'm sorry "Genevieve cried "Matthew and Sunday Rose we love you "I'm hungry "Sunday Rose and Matthew went into the kitchen they want to be alone."Oh, Genevieve, This isn't good the whole town knows our secret! Do you realize how embarrassing this is for our family? Do you know what this cost us? Sometimes I wish you were never born "Constantine yelled as TJ and Elizabeth Came In The Room "Constantine! Genevieve, you're Mother doesn't mean it" "Daddy you know she does" I'm going to check on the twins "We all need to just cool down "Constantine and Theodore left."Genevieve "I need to get out of here "Genevieve, Don't "Genevieve picked up a key and left."This isn't good "

Constantine was in the kitchen looking at the twins when Theodore came behind her."Constantine, You need to apologize to Genevieve "Constantine turned to Theodore."I do mean it! We got married because I was pregnant "Do you regret us" It wasn't love from the start "No" TJ and Elizabeth Came Into the kitchen."How's Genevieve "She left" What" Yes she was very upset mother do you feel the same way about us "No, I had to give up so much because I was pregnant I could have had a career "With What!

Genevieve was driving she was upset and crying and ran into a tree.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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