Chapter 4: Party.

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Cody's jaw hangs slightly as he notices Noah walking through the door to his surprise birthday party. There's no way things could possibly get better, could they?
I think I might be a bit late, but I had to mentally prepare myself to see Cody again. My heart shattered when I saw him hug Sierra. That was the one time I truly cried. Right then and there. I'm not falling for it again, though.
"Hey, Geoff." I meet Geoff at the door as he lets me in. Everyone's here.
Cody included.
I can see him staring at me. I think he can sense what he's done. Good on him, I guess. I'm not usually an emotional person, so he could probably tell I was hurt.
"..hey, Cody. Happy birthday... or... whatever." I mumble to him as I hand him the bag of gummies, the 'ily' tag ripped off in anger. I'm keeping it in my pocket, just in case. He turns away from me and simply replies with "thanks," before going back to the conversation. Why would he be mad at me? God. I sit down in the circle. This circle is... suspicious. There's a bottle laying on the floor in the centre.
Oh. Of course. Spin the bottle. How original.
"Hey everyone! Anyone up for a game of T or D, but with a twist?" Geoff announces across the circle like a ringmaster in a circus. "Whoever doesn't do their T or D needs to... drumroll please...!" Oh my god! So exciting. Seriously. Hurry up. No, I didn't say that. Don't worry.
"..spin the bottle!" It was pretty obvious. Why else would there be an empty bottle of cola in the centre of the ring?
I sigh. What have I signed myself up to? Every teen party is like this, what did I expect?
I'm still kind of confused as to why they threw a whole party for me. I mean, I'm not complaining! We take turns playing truth or dare round the circle. I think maybe two pairs have kissed? Some of the dares are... gruesome. It gets to Noah's go.
"Noah... truth or dare?" Asks Geoff.
"Dare. And actually make it hard? Thanks." He mutters back. Of course he's being sarcastic.
"Hmm..." Geoff considers it for a moment. "I dare you to take your sock off with your teeth!"
"How tame." Noah looks at his sock before doing the dare. Huh.
It eventually gets to my go.
"Let's get it over and done with, I guess." I announce. I'm kind of nervous.
"Truth or dare?" Gwen asks. Please, please, not anything to do with Noah.
"Who have you got a crush on?" Yep. I thought she'd say something like that.
"I'd.. rather not answer." I give an awkward little giggle at the end.
Wait, no. No no no. Spin the bottle. I forgot that part. I shuffle over to the bottle, take a deep breath, and spin it. It feels like an eternity, just watching the bottle spin, and spin, and-
Oh. My. God.
Of course. What do I do? Do I go for it? Would that make the tension loosen a bit? Maybe he would finally realise...
I shuffle back into my spot in the circle and look down, bright red.
Why didn't I accept the truth Gwen gave me? Now it's way, way worse. I sigh, and look up at Noah.
He's staring at me, his eyes flicking between the bottle and my face. He progressively goes red.
What the hell do I do in a situation like this?
"Uh." Noah stops and stammers for a moment. Everyone else in the circle is staring at us. This couldn't possibly get any worse, right? I feel like I'm about to throw up. Seriously, what do I do. I shake all the thoughts from my head and stare at Noah. I mean...
I wouldn't want to waste the chance, right?
"So.." I manage to get a few words out of my mouth.  "Uh.."
"Do we...?" He mumbles so quietly I can barely hear him. I can tell he's suffering through this too, which makes me giggle a bit. Not sure why.
"I mean.. if you're okay? With it?" I feel heat rushing up to my face. People are still staring.
"Can't disobey teenage party rules." He smirks a bit. Oh my God. Seriously? Joking about this now?
"Eh, why not." He sounds kind of.. indifferent to it, which makes me concerned but also slightly happy he's not like 'EW WHAT NOO EWEWEWWW.' I'd die if he'd said that.
I shuffle closer to him.
"Hurry up, I wanna get home today, preferably." He's so annoying when he's sarcastic. So stupidly sarcastic. Okay maybe I like it. Anyway..
"Fine, jeez." I look at him, and before I know it, I lean in to kiss him. All of the adrenaline made me black out, but I felt it, that's for sure.
I pull away. He looks back at me, red. He probably wasn't expecting me to act that quick. At least it's over and done with, right?
Everyone's laughing their heads off all around us. Right, okay. They shut up after a bit, and I shuffle back into my spot in the circle.
I can't even think straight right now, what just happened?
Cody just kissed me.
It was okay, I guess. Okay maybe it was good. Ugh. Yeah, fine. I've got a crush on Cody. Definitely. I wasn't sure before, but now I know. Happy? I bet you are. I sigh as Cody moves back to his spot in the circle. We play a few more rounds before we go and eat. It's already dark outside. I wanted to go home at 6, but I guess that wasn't going to happen. I go and sit on the sofa, my plate carrying some chips and a sandwich. I'm not really too hungry, if I'm honest.
I eat my food, chatting to a few of my friends in the meantime. I didn't bring my book with me. Amazing. I think I'm getting withdrawals.
I go to put my shoes on and leave when Cody asks if he can come with me.
What? Isnt this his surprise party? Shouldn't he be enjoying this? Not asking to go home with me, of all people.
"Sure, I guess. Say bye to everyone, though. Manners, remember?" I laugh. It feels like nothing ever happened between us. Except that kiss. That's gonna stick for a while, I think. I'm not really sad about what happened earlier anymore.
We head outta the front door and walk back to mine. My social battery is kind of drained, but I can make an exception for the birthday boy, I guess.
"Hey, Noah?" I hear from right beside me.
"You're not.. mad.. about that kiss right? Or anything else that happened today?"
We reach my door as I say, "No, actually, I kind of enjoyed it." I said it sarcastically, but.. I kind of did.
I forgot Cody doesn't get sarcasm.
"Wait.. really?" He goes bright red.
Hold on. Huh? I blink. Wait.. does that mean...
"I-I.. kind of did." He continues.
Yup. Exactly what I thought. He did enjoy it! Calm down. Deep breath.
"W-well, I meant that sarcastically, but now you've said that, I kind of did, too."
He stares at me as I let him into my house. It stays silent for a while as we sit down on the sofa, both staring at the floor.
"I've got something for you." I mumble, finally breaking the silence. "It was attached to your gift, but after I saw you hug Sierra, I kind of.." my voice trails away. Am I sure I wanna give him this? What if he says it's cringe or something?
I hand him the note that was attached to the bag of gummies. The 'ily <3' one.
He looks at me and blinks, then reverts his attention back to the note. "W-wait, really!?" He's practically yelling at this point. I can't help but smile at him. I think I may have a bit of a soft spot for Cody.

DIES (I wrote this at 11pm 🙏)

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