Chapter 4

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It's been a week since I woke up here at the Edge. The Vikings also have given me a name, because they can't understand us, so they named me Shadow. My actual name still sounds better. At first I was skeptical about it but, my family is happy, so I am as well. I still don't really trust the Vikings, and I've learned that they are all still hatchlings, but they're still pests sometimes. Take the twins for example, they like to do this called "pranks", which usually involves Barf and Belch, the Zippleback, and scaring the other Vikings. I, however, stay inside most of the time, trying to get some much needed sleep. I have learned that, not only am I half blind, I cannot fly for a month. It makes me feel weak. I am so used to helping my family that doing nothing makes me feel weaker than I am. But either way, Spine helps cheer me up, and I'm ok with that. I was asleep near the Clubhouse, because Fishlegs wanted to make sure I was ok, and it was pretty early in the morning. All of a sudden I hear Snotlout screaming about an intruder after being set on fire by Hookfang. Apparently this has happened more than once while I've been here.

Hiccup: The Rumblehorn! It's headed for the Eastern Beach.

Fishlegs: Ok Shadow, stay here and get some more rest while we go.

Y/N: Ha! Yeah right, like I'm gonna stay here and let the dragon scaring off my food get away!

Sure the Vikings fed me, but I still go into the forest and hunt for food. Just because I can't fly doesn't mean I can't hunt. Before any of the Vikings could get on the dragons I was already bounding towards where the Rumblehorn was caught. As I ran I could see the others flying above the forest. Other dragons knew to stay away from this side of the forest because of all my claw marks on the trees from jumping off of them to gain speed, which is what I was doing now. We all got to the net around the same time with me getting there before the others. When they got here I was crouched in an aggressive position in front of the net growling. The first ones to walk up to it were the twins.

Tuffnut: I didn't think it would be so smelly.

Ruffnut: I didn't think it would be so hairy.

Gobber: You try shaving with a hook for an arm!

Wait, this dragon can talk? No, that can't be right.

Tuffnut: The Rumblehorn talks! Quick, smack it!

Gobber: Cut me down ya simpleton!

Y/N: Why do I feel like this isn't our dragon?

Toothless: Because it's not. It's just Gobber.

Y/N: Who?

Ruffnut: And it has a bad attitude.

Gobber: Eh, nevermind.

This Viking, Gobber was his name, used his left hand to, wait, where's his hand? And his leg? He fell from the net, surprising the other Vikings.

Tuffnut: Gobber, What did you do with our Rumblehorn?

Gobber: What's a Rumblehorn?

Fishlegs: A new dragon that has been trying to run us off the island.

As they were talking, I was still on edge about this new Gobber figure. He has nice face hair I'll give him that. He looked to be pretty smart, but what is the most interesting thing is his hand and leg. I've seen Hiccup with his wooden leg but this was new. As I got closer I started to smell something very nice.

Gobber: You're trying to catch a dragon with a net that can't hold a one-legged, one-armed Viking? Amateurs. Also, what is that thing?

Fishlegs: Oh! That's Shadow. We, don't actually know what kind of dragon they are.

The Lightning Fury (HTTYD RTTE X Dragon Reader) (Up for adoption)Where stories live. Discover now