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^^Next Day
Ddot POV

I just got out the shower thinking about what the coach said yesterday. If I do it then Im gonna be unncomfortable, but if I dont then the coach is gonna make me work harder in athletics. I really dont want to do that so Im just gonna do it.

I went to my closet and got out my outfit which I hated it. Don't get me wrong its cute but I dont know how I feel about wearing this out in public especially since my body is very curvy and Im a boy.

Its not normal for a boy to have a curvy body like a girl. In this time it would be wrong and the society shut you out cause they think your weird or non-normal. But I shut my thoughts down and put on my outfit.

I grabbed my shit that I need for today including my phone and weed pen. When I walked down stairs I put my stuff on the counter then went to the pantry to get my breakfast. It wasn't really a lot because I barely eat in the morning.

I grabbed a protein bar and a chocolate milk and thats when my mom came down the stairs with her purse. She looked at my outfit and smiled. I hugged her and told her that I was going to the bus stop. I tried to walk away but she pulled me back and started talking to me.

"Are you sure you want to wear that today?" she asked me just for clarification. I started thinking about it and to be completely honest I did want to start wearing stuff like this but not no time soon. "I dont know I'll wear it today tho, so don't worry"

I grabbed my stuff and walked to the bus stop while drinking my chocolate milk. I sat on the bench on my phone while I waited for the bus to pull up. After about 5 minutes I got up and threw my trash in the garbage and hopped on the bus that had pulled up.

As I walked on to the bus everyone was starring at me with their mouth hung open. I quietly walked to the back of the bus and looked for a seat with DD but to my suprise the only spot that was open was the one by Notti and I do not want to sit with that him.

"Hey Ddot" DD said to me. "Hey DD, uhmm excuse me" I said to the curly head that was sitting in my spot "Mm" He nodded in aknowledgement not looking up from his phone. "Can you move pls your in my spot." I asked politely "Im not moving go sit somewhere else" him still not picking up his head.

"Rude ass niggas always have to have a fucking attitude" I mumbled turning to Ethan that had his leg in the seat. "SIT DOWN NOW" the bus driver said I swear she sound like fucking motorcycle from all that yelling.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU IS TOO FUCKING OLD TO BE YELLING LIKE THAT" I yelled back at her and she aint say nun back but she probably gonna tell my principle with her snitch ass. "Ethan" I said and he looked up at me from his phone and saw me standing there. When he saw me he did the exact same thing that everyone else was doing, starring with their mouth wide open.

"Move your leg so I can sit down" I was annoyed and very much tired. "Why the fuck would I move my leg for someone I dont even like to be sitting with me" he said making a confused face. "Ethan Reyes if you dont move your foot Ima tell mami that you fucked up her tv" DD said thats when Ethan moved his leg for me to sit down.

I couldn't even sit down before this barney built bitch wanna pull off. "Fucking hoe" I mumbled as was forced by the bus to sit down because of her reckless ass driving. The bus ride was silent but weird I felt as someone was starring at me.

I picked my head up and looked all around the bus and everyone was still starring at me including Ethan but his stare had more tension than the other stares. Me being me I stared right back. We were engaged in a heavy tention stare contest but he eventually won because he made me fold.

I turned away from him and he sat back laughing at me. We were silent until we pulled up at the school. Everyone got off the bus and walked into the building. Just to my luck the coach was holding the door open for the students that were walking in.

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