welcome, fellow weirdos. (no offense)

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Okay, hi. This is my third attempt with writing and posting it on Wattpad. I have very little faith, so please don't get your hopes up. This is basically just an introduction, most people will probably skip it, but I'm asking you to read it because there is somewhat important information and I wouldn't want you to get confused later on in the story. So anyways... 

Bold: When I use bold, it will be used for an authors note or a trigger warning, or anytime I just want you to be informed of something that isn't part of the actual story. 

Italics: Italics will be used when a character is trying to put an emphasis on something. (Pretty sure you already knew that but idk, maybe you didn't, I don't judge). It also will be used when a character has a flashback or memory. 

Underlining: Underlining will be used when characters communicate using something other than their voices     e.g: texts, emails, written word, etc. 

Main Characters: 

Jay Lavender: Tall, skinny, and with platinum hair, he could switch to the popular crowd in a second, or snag almost any girl in the school...but, he doesn't. Why? Well, he's perfectly happy with the crowd he is associated with right now, and hasn't ever enjoyed much company from the popular boys. He doesn't give in to any of the girls that like him because, well, the one girl he wants, he can't have. 

Rory Spade: Petite, extremely thin, and with long, wavy, chestnut brown hair, she could also switch to the popular crowd in a second, or snag almost any guy in the school...but, she doesn't. Why? Well, she's perfectly happy with the crowd she's associated with right now, and she's always thought that the popular girls were just useless versions of the same person. Why doesn't she give into the boys or even one of the few girls on her tail? Well there isn't an answer to that one-not yet, at least. 

Rodger Duntton-Spade: Average height, average weight, and with thick, dark curls, he could swi-wait no-that's not right! No, no, that's all wrong...because Rodger isn't popular-guy-material, no he's shy, quiet, socially awkward, and incredibly intelligent. Why is he like that? Why does he have a double last name? There also isn't an answer...Rodger has yet to fully reveal his past. 

Trigger Warnings: 

I don't know all the trigger warnings yet, since I make up my stories as I go and don't plan them out beforehand, but if there is a trigger warning, I will put it at the top of the story, just below the chapter/title. 


Okay, do not get me wrong I absolutely love getting comments, seriously it makes me feel on top of the world, (which is rare). But if your like, harassing my characters or being rude to them/other readers/me, I will not hesitate to mute you without warning. So please just be respectful to everyone, including the character even though they aren't real. But that shouldn't stop you from commenting or asking questions. I am always up for new ideas, so please share if you have any! 


Okay, so that's that. Boring stuff is out of the way. now we can get to the real reason your here. Thank you for actually acknowledging this. If you want to, make a comment on this to let me know you read it and I'll dedicate the next chapter to you! 


Have a lovely day/night/ 3AM sugar high, and you're amazing. <3 

adios. *awkwardly salutes and jumps out of window.*

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