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Uhm...hi? shocker, I'm not dead. I am aware I haven't published in over a month... and im not proud of it, but anyways, here's my excuse-I mean, my uh, explanation. 

Week 1: I had writers block and was somewhat busy.

Week 2: Writers block and beginning of third quarter/end of second.

Week 3: I had 3 mental breakdowns in one day and low key forgot about this story.

Week 4: I tried a little to write, gave up, and didn't try again till now. 

Nonetheless, I am back now. I am working on finishing up chapter 7 as we speak-or, rather, as I type and you read. Anyways, I just have 1 1/2 more pages to write, so I am hoping for it to be uploaded before 7 AM tomorrow. If it isn't...then you'll have to wait till Wednesday.


Thank you, 41 readers, for somewhat sticking with this story. Even though I only have 1 engaged reader, the other 40 of you that tried... all of you guys mean a lot to me. 

So thanks. 


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