01: Spiked Lemonade

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 I stared at her in shock. Utter bewilderment. Also confusion, maybe a dash of anger. I cannot believe she managed to get her hands on that stuff-and wanted to give it to children! Children! She's crazy, this is dumb, she's dumb, this is so horrible, we could get arrested for this, oh god, what if we-

"I'm in." I announce before I convince myself otherwise. Rory smiled at me, sending a wave of butterflies through my stomach. She turned to Rodger.

"You in, bro?" She asked impatiently. Rodger continued to ponder for a moment.

"I just want to know one thing...How do you think you're going to get away with this? I mean, I think the kids'll know that the lemonade tastes off-because it'll have vodka in it!" Rodger said, looking at his sister like she'd gone mad.

"I see your point...they are going to know it tastes off, but five year olds shouldn't know what vodka tastes like." She said, "Well, I knew-but that's besides the point!" Rory muttered to herself.

"Rodger, I'm taking that as a yes." She said only a millisecond before pouring small amounts of vodka into each cup of lemonade, occasionally spilling it on the countertop. When she finished off the cups, she examined the rest of the liquid in the bottle. She swished it around in circles, seemingly lost in thought. Suddenly, she raised the bottle to her lips and chugged the remaining liquor in one gulp.

"Rory!" I exclaimed. There had barely been any left in the bottle, but still!

"Oh, sorry, did you want some?" She paused, waiting for a response I didn't give. "I would've saved you some had you asked earlier." She stated, like this was a normal thing for 15/16 year olds to discuss.

"How did you of all people end up to be my sister?" Rodger asked no one in particular.

"Hey!" Rory said, clamping a hand to her heart, pretending to be severely offended and physically hurt by the statement.

I loved to just sit back and watch the two of them bicker. They are the type of siblings you don't come across very often, they actually love one another. Seeing them fight is rare, and usually it's all fun and games, like the one we have on our hands right now.

"You cannot tell me this idea isn't incredibly dumb! I mean, Rory, we could actually get arrested for this. Before we go out and serve this to people, I want to make sure you know that." He said. His eyes became large, begging her to really think this through. His pretty hazel eyes sparkled as they hunted Rory's face for a sign that this was getting past her thick skull.

It wasn't.

Rory walked over to the cabinets and reached up to the highest one. Her middle finger barely brushed the handle. "Jay," She called over her shoulder, "Get over here and help me with this." I wasn't sure what she was trying to get, but I obeyed. Rory was incredibly pretty. Dark freckles dusted her face, she had full, wavy, chestnut brown hair that went to her shoulder blades. There were streaks of a vibrant purple mixed in there. She had an interesting eye color, they seemed to be all the colors at once. I've seen brown, green, hazel, and even blue in there at one point or another. She also has an ungodly amount of sunglasses. Today, she was wearing the dripping heart ones-they were tinted pink, making her eyes look purple. (Not sure how-color theory is weird, okay)! She was also like, probably the first girl to go through puberty, so she has a lot of boys on her tail.

Boys like me.

I know she'll never fall for me, I mean, she could probably pull anybody in our school! Despite all this, she was the size of a 12 year old, standing at barely 5 '2", meanwhile, I'm over here being a freaking skyscraper at a whopping 6' 4". Most guys would kill to be my height, they think they can score all the girls they want. It's a lie. It's horrible. Being tall actually sucks because you can never find pants at the right length, shirts will dig into your armpits, and shoes are made too small. You also hit your head.

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