10: What I Had to Say

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^Above^ is Rain. If you don't remember her, go back and skim chapter 4. 

TW: Self harm. 

Jay's POV:

I know Liz is cutting.

They're a very good liar, I'll give them that, but I also happen to be a black belt in detecting lies. I don't plan on forcing this out of them, though. They can tell me when they're ready. As for Aunt Linda... I'm not sure how that will go down.

Currently, I am behind the wheel, driving us back to Linda's. When rolling up the street towards the tiny, one floor house, I noticed a woman on the porch. She was standing with another woman. Woman number two, well, I know her as Aunt Linda. Woman number one, however, I am assuming to be Rain. Linda's cliche coffee shop girlfriend.

Aunt Linda was pacing the front porch like there was no tomorrow, and Rain was trying to calm her down. She was trailing Linda up and down the deck, hand on her shoulder, and a concerned expression on her face.

We got out of the car. I took a peek at my sister to see widened, haunted eyes staring straight ahead. I placed my hand on their shoulder, and dropped down to their ear. "Did Linda find your-" I couldn't even finish my sentence.

Liz cut in and answered my question in the most piercing tone. "She found my blade." And that was that.

We slowly made our way up the driveway and onto the front porch. Linda stopped pacing immediately. She reached out and pulled Lizzie's arms towards her. She pushed up the sleeves of Lizzie's jacket.

What she saw made her jaw drop and eyes widen to twice their normal size. "Do...did you...why..." She paused and frowned. Her brows knit together and furrowed. "Did you do this to yourself?" She finally asked.

Liz couldn't even speak. They didn't look at Linda. They didn't move. Hell, they didn't even blink. Liz just continuously kept their eyes glued to their arms. Carved into them were old and new marks. Some were white and withering with age, while others were an angry red and rose above the rest of their smooth skin.

"A-and you used...this?" Linda asked. Reaching behind her to pick up a blade that had been resting on a deckchair.

I took this time to decide it was a private moment I didn't belong in. I also didn't really feel like dealing with the drama. Me and Rain were both acting as useless extras, so I took this odd moment to get to know her.

We made our way to the opposite side of the porch, located on the other side of the house.

"Hi," I said. "I'm Jay. Sorry we have to meet under such...dramatic and heavy circumstances. You're Rain, I'm assuming?"

"Sí, that's me. It is quite awkward, meeting this way. I've heard a lot about you. Beauty speaks of you all the time!" Rain exclaimed. She had a very strong Spanish accent.

"Beauty..?" I wasn't familiar with anyone named Beauty, as far as I knew.

"Oh, lo siento! I Lindy is short for Linda, and Lindy translates to beautiful in español. So I call her Beauty." Rain explained.

"Awh, that's very sweet." I told her.

"And very true, if you know what I mean!" Rain said with a laugh and a wink.

She was totally meant for Linda. Linda had only ever brought home a few of her girlfriends, and Rain stuck out. At first glance, Rain didn't seem like Linda's cup of tea, but after talking to her I could totally see it. Rain seems like she worked for a big company and maybe had the role of a CEO or something.

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