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Once Raph had asked that question, that's when Casey turned his mood around. He clambered back up into the bed since that's most of what he felt he could do at the moment- and tried to think. (Which he wasn't very good at.)

"Uh, I got jumped by some punk dragons, ynow how I am.."
Raph gave Casey a look of disbelief and made a tch' sound as he sucked his teeth.
"Bullshit, I know you're not the strongest, but I know for a damn fact I didn't find you bleeding out on top of a building because of the purple dragons! You're way past them at this point, I've seen you beat their ass. You're stronger than when we first met, now give me a real answer!"

If anything, it was just almost a compliment that Raph called Casey's lie by knowing he wasn't that weak, instead of just laughing at him...
"I wasn't bleeding out-"
"The fuck you weren't, you sure looked like ya were to me. Why won't ya just tell me!?"
Anger, suspicion- or maybe it was worry, could've been both. But Casey didn't like the yelling of the mutant ringing in his ear, despite whatever tone he could have had.

"Because it's nothing, and nothing that I can't handle."
"Yeah, well your way of handling it seems to be goin real damn well."
Raphael huffed, his voice to the brim with sarcasm. He got up and walked to the door.
"Ima get you some water."

Heading to the kitchen, the reptilian embodiment of anger heard the faint sound of something foreign coming from the living room, and could only assume Mikey was watching something, probably some cartoon with all the aggressive yelling and every onomatopoeia for explosions. Raph finished filling the plastic cup with water and brought it back to a very pouty looking hockey-player.

"Don't look at me like I put ya in time out.."
Raph handed the water to Casey who took a sip, before scrunching up his face.
"Water is disgusting dude, or maybe it's cause you just gave me sewage water.."
Raph punched his shoulder, denying that claim.

"I didn't give you sewage- it's from the sink!"
"A sink in a sewer-"
"Oh whatever, if you wanna be such a baby about it then you coulda at-least told me you wanted a bottle of milk before i got up and left."

Casey just huffed and nudged Raph from where he was laying.
"I'd rather have juice than whatever formula you suck on."
"If you weren't on death's doorstep I would beat you right now."

Raphael sat on the edge of the bed, looking down at his friend.
"Awhh, really? Who says I wouldn't beat you?"
Raph just snickered, laces of laughter tied in throughout his words.
"Not in a million years. But keep daydreaming over there."

Casey gave a snort and crossed his hands behind his head, closing his eyes.
"I just might..."
Raph just kinda stared down at him with a small smile before he became aware that, that was pretty odd, and his eyes went to focus on Chompy instead- who blew small rings of smoke every now and then while he slept.

"Raph- I just don't wanna lose you. Not in any way."
Raph turned back to Casey, a concerned expression on his face as it swerved to look back at him.
"Woah, woah. Im not going anywhere- what's got you all sentimental all of a sudden?"

"Cause- it's just that there's a reason I didn't wanna tell you why I was so beat up tonight... cause I know how you are.."
Raph couldn't help but put a hand on Casey's shoulder, looking down at him with solicitude- his eyes scrunched up from his concern.

"What're ya talking bout Case? The hell happened to ya?"
Raph gently rubbed his shoulder in an attempt at comfort as Casey struggled to steady his words- what he was about to admit.

"It's my pops.. he got aggravated with me last night. Really gave me a beat down... all cause I came home late with a hell of a bad report card- and it-"

Raphs eyes went wide, his teeth grinding against eachother- he mostly just had a look of pure bewilderment and horror. He was obviously distraught as he watched his best friend uncomfortably go into detail, he had never seen Casey look so apprehensive and crestfallen- it made his heart feel like it was being twisted up and dragged down from his chest into hell.

"And I didn't wanna tell anybody! Cause i Could get separated from my sister- and get took away from you! And everyone.. and my pops needs me too, he's just going through it and I'm just making him mad and that's why- I just don't wanna get stuck in some foster home. My dad has told me horror stories of those things, he used to grow up in and out of em."

Filled with parasitic vines that wrapped around him in anger and fear- fear for Casey, he was scared what he was living in, and he just felt filled with this anxiety and frustration. But he couldn't even imagine how Casey was feeling and he knew that...

Raph wanted to kill his jackass of a dad- but couldn't. Because of the consequences his actions would have..
"Whatever that fucker did ain't your fault cause you pissed him off or something- he's your dad! And he has no right to beat on you instead of loving you cause you're his son.. I just- I'm sorry man.."

Raph adjusted himself to where he was laying beside Casey, so he could give him a proper hug.
"It's alright man.. you're not the one beating the shit outta me- at least not most the time."
Casey gave a half hearted laugh and Raph just gave a loud exhale. He couldn't bring himself to laugh about it.


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