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i turn around and tom was on one knee for me. "will you marry me?" he asked. he was in a hot dog costume and i was in a ketchup bottle costume

we were at a water park and then all of a sudden mickey mouse comes to me. "no! marry me!" he knelt down.

i opened my eyes and gasped. "what? what happened" ria rubbed her eyes. i looked around and i was still on the plane.

"bad dream?" she asked, rubbing my back. "uh.." i sat back. "i can't tell.. tom was asking me to marry him but-"

"that's good" "no i'm not done" i said. "we were in costumes and then mickey mouse tried to propose to me"

"oh!" ria laughed. "it's not funny!" i covered my face in embarrassment. "it kinda is" she wheezed.

"that's why you sound like a kettle. you wannabe tea kettle" i rolled my eyes. she laughed harder and her seat twitched.

"can you please be quiet?" a lady asked. i turned my head and she had a bob cut with glasses. me and ria laughed harder and she groaned.

"well can you not kick my seat" ria laughed. "shut up!" she yelled.

"your the one being louder than us right now" i said giggling.

it's hour 10 and we're almost there. we're in mid Atlantic Ocean and it's 6am.

my phone started ringing and i was shuffling through my bag to find it. i picked it up and put it against my ear.


"mami?" i heard tom's voice. i took a glance at ria and started biting my lip. "hm?" i hummed.

"are you still mad at me" he asked. i stayed silent and fiddled with the sleeve. "i'll take that as a yes then"

"but when you guys arrive it'll be 9am right" he asked. "mhm"

"we're gonna meet you there" he said. "k" i looked out the window. he sighed. "mami please" he said.

"what" i rolled my eyes to myself. "i'm sorry" he said.

"for what? technically cheating on me or gaslighting me" i asked.

"just.. i'm sorry" he said. "ok" i traced circles on my thighs. "i know your still mad at me" he said.

"why do you think im mad tom kaulitz."

"i'm sorry" "sorry isn't gonna do anything" i said. "what if you break a window. then you say sorry is it gonna go back to normal?" i asked.

"no" tom sighed. "then why are you apologizing"

"because! i know my future wife is mad at me and if we continue being like this it can end bad" he said.

i heard a sniffle.

"are you crying?" i groaned. "yes!!" he whined.

i giggled and he sighed. "please don't be mad anymore" he said. "kay"

"i love you" he said. "how sweet" i said. "mamaaaa" he whined.

"i'll give you head when you come back" he said. "weirdo" i giggled. "i'm not lying" he said.

"if i do will you forgive me" he asked. "i can't just forgive you when you make me feel good" i said.

"what?!" ria looked at me. i put my finger on her lips to shut her.

"mama?" he asked. "ja??"

"i love you" he said. i took a moment to gather myself together.

"love you"

The special guitar | The sequel | Tom kaulitz x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now