Got Thanksgiving?

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What would their Thanksgiving be like, I wonder? These are headcanons, sorta. Writing this as I'm watching the big Thanksgiving parade on TV, by the way. Also, I wish you all a great Thanksgiving for those who celebrate. And sorry I'm not uploading as much. School, etc gets in the way of things.

Let's think... hm... what if the Trollhunters happened to be a part of the parade? Perhaps Arcadia Oaks holds a similar event each Thanksgiving too? Let's imagine:


- The group would most definitely be working together on a float. Not the best of the best, because let's face it, the kids have a lot going on on their plate currently

- Arcadia Oaks would have this big parade every Thanksgiving (as mentioned above) and its citizens would participate in it. Multiple family generations had been a part of it and are now passing it on to their kids and their grandkids, stuff like that-- which really shows just how important the event was in the city.

- Parade went on for many, many, MANY years, since the founding of the town in the 1800's.

- There would be a 1st place winner, of course, and the winner/winners would win big cash at the end. There of course would be a 2nd and 3rd place winner, all receiving different prizes respectively.


- They would all take a vote to see what the theme would be. A huge dispute/ heavy argument over which one is the best. Tobes wanted the theme to be all about comic characters, one in particular being Spider-Man. Everyone in the circle was quick to disagree and suggested that he should just pick another theme. 

"Ok, guys, which theme should we do?" On a whiteboard, there are 4 different themes posted up under a magnet. 4 pictures of each theme.

"Ooh! Ooh!"

"We're not using Spider-Man as our theme once again, Tobes."

"Aw, what?! That's not what I was even going to suggest anyway. Comic characters are so overrated, am I right?" He scoffed, trying to look as if he hated the theme idea when really, everyone knew he was thinking the opposite. He was pretty much sobbing uncontrollably on the inside upon hearing that his favorite character wouldn't be considered.

- Libby wanted to create an eccentric new theme, one that no one had ever seen before. Something that would have people standing in awe. Claire and Jimbo wanted to stick to the Thanksgiving theme with a more classic approach-- the pumpkin and turkey.

- After heavy discussion, they finally decided to stick with the classic theme instead, adding some uniqueness to it, to make everything stand out 

- Now that they'd agreed on which theme they were going to use for their float, they needed to figure out where they were going to make it. Everyone's garages were too small. Dr. Lake had been really kind and allowed the kids to start building in the garage.

-  Libby volunteers to list out the supplies they'd be needing. Upon listing every item, they soon raid the arts and crafts stores (not literally) and stock up bulk on all the essentials.

Libby muttered quietly as she read down the list, reading each item. "Okay, so we got our list, what else?"

"Uh," Claire looks around before exchanging glances with the boys, both shaking their heads, "Nothing else."

"Oh, right! Wait--- let's get to the stores!"

"Yeah, before the other people take everything!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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