Chapter one

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Chapter one: Egeria you wanted to talk to me?

Y/N was enjoying some Ouzo, next to an empty seat with another cup still empty. Ikram was staring out into the sky when she heard light footsteps behind her.

Y/N (Ikram): Egeria fancy seeing you here at this time

Egeria: are you waiting for someone Ikram

Y/N (Ikram): No just honouring an old friend, please sit

Egeria holds up the spare cup signalling for Ikram to fill it with Ouzo, noticing this gesture Ikram fills the cup pushing out the empty chair for Egeria.

Egeria: Ikram

Y/N (Ikram): yes Egeria

Egeria: my familiars, the oceanids, have started to think about becoming human

Y/N (Ikram): really, is that there wish

Egeria: I suppose it is

Y/N (Ikram): well as one of the seven you do have the power to do so, however you'll need to ask the primordial one before hand

Egeria: I guess... but I still have to figure out how to make creatures of pure water into humans

Y/N (Ikram): it is quite the puzzle isn't it

Egeria: Ikram how many times have you come here to "honour an old friend"

Y/N (Ikram): please Egeria let us not discus that topic, anyways is there a real reason for your unexpected arrival

Egeria remained quite as if pretending to be completely oblivious to the question that was thrown her way, Y/N of course noticed this, but left it at that having a feeling it was something she probable didn't want to know.

Egeria pov: I do wish I could see you again before you leave and before I have to go

Egeria and Y/N sat at the lonely table together in silence watching as the sun slowly sets over horizon. Only for their peaceful silence to be interrupted a whirling gust of wind.

Egeria: Barbatos if you wish to talk then you should stop playing around

Y/N (Ikram): have you come for some Ouzo or were you just bored

Barbatos: Ikram you know me too well

Y/N (Ikram): you and your alcohol

Barbatos: ehe~ (。^▽^)

Y/N (Ikram): *sigh*

Egeria: *laughs*

The three archons continue to enjoy a good drink, while the stars start to greet them with shimmering hello's. However as their conversations continued on into the night eventually the three did have to go their separate ways. As both Barbatos and Egeria soon had to head their separate ways leaving Y/N to ponder her thoughts.

Y/N (Ikram) pov: her own people

Y/N made her way back to Celestia as night continued to dawn over Teyvat watching from her place above as the people below disappeared into the vast never-ending landscape. As Y/N watched the lights flicker on in the town she couldn't stop herself from thinking about the conversations she had with Egeria. Which gave her an idea

Y/N (Ikram) pov: I can ask to have my own people right... right?


The very next day Y/N went to talk to the Primordial one, about her desire to have her own people to take care of, on her way there she happened to bump into Morax, who looked like he was enjoying a cup of tea.

Y/N (Ikram): Morax having a cup of tea I see, why didn't you invite me. Unless you wish to spend this time alone, then I shall honour that and leave you be

Morax: oh no Ikram don't worry if you'd like to join me you-

Before he could even finish Ikram had already taken one of the empty seats, as she made a cup out of metal and held it up for Morax. He couldn't help but smile at the gesture as he poured her some of the tea.

Morax: your quite a lucky archon Ikram

Y/N (Ikram): I know i guess that is just the gifts that honour has to give *laughs*

Morax: yes, I suppose it is

Y/N (Ikram): Morax i know you miss her, I do as well, we were close after all.

Morax: I know, it just doesn't make it any easier

Y/N (Ikram): indeed

The two sat in silence, as they shared a conversation that needed no words, about an old friend.

Morax: Ikram

Y/N (Ikram): Yes

Morax: what happened to you during the Archon war that caused you to change

Y/N (Ikram): what do you mean

Morax: your usually a lot more open than this, and I've noticed that you spend a lot of time alone talking to yourself

Y/N (Ikram): ......... Well anyways I believe I should get going as I have something I need to discuss with another person, goodbye Morax and thank you for the tea

Morax simply watched as the forgotten Archon took her leave, once again avoiding his question.

Morax pov: she's doing it again *sigh*

Y/N continued to go on her way this time thinking about Morax's question to her. (flashback: your normally a lot more open than this, what happen to you during the Archon war...)

Y/N (Ikram) pov: death is a heavy burden to bar, even if you weren't the one to cause it

Later. After a while a thankfully no other Archons being stumbled upon Y/N finally had the chance to talk to the Primordial one about what had been weighing on her mind since her last conversation with Egeria.

Primordial one: Ikram why do I see you here today

Y/N (Ikram): things, just for things

Primordial one: Ikram what do you want

Y/N (Ikram): that obvious

Primordial one: nope just a guess, though I can tell that something has been waying in your thoughts

Y/N (Ikram): yeah, I guess you could say that, anyways I do actually have a question for you

Primordial one: what is it

Y/N (Ikram): people, I want to look after people of my own, if you'll allow me


word count: 931 (wow that's short)

☆*: .。. A/N .。.:*☆

This is the first chapter for this new Fanfic i'm starting, considering the fact that i've been experiencing writer's block for my first book. Anyways i have already started writing the next chapter for this story, was inspired to do a book like this because i haven't seen a lot of fanfics were Y/N is an archon so i thought that it might be fun to create my own. Now enjoy a fun Fontaine meme. U_U


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