Chapter four

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Chapter four: The blood of the sky

Y/N (Ikram) pov: I can't believe what I've gotten myself into, I guess the easiest way to get through this, for me mentally to not get attached i guess


meanwhile after y/n left Barbatos at Windrise

Barbatos: Ikram... sorry but i'm going to tell the others about this, i'm not gonna let the Primordial one or the Heavenly principles be the reason why the world forgets you.

With that Barbatos sent a message on the wind, as a way to let the others archons know.


Years later; the children have become adults and have made many advancements through their archons teaching and with that the growth of a nation began, though there was still many things left to be discovered and refined, things for another time. This nation soon reached great architectural and archeological advancements, as well as a specialised form of combat. y/n's control over natural metals allowed for the use of rare materials, that where either gathered from the islands natural resources or the metals that were extracted from the ground, using the archons power as well as the newly granted Alloyo visions. As this nation grew its existence remained unknown to the world, its people called their home Cnidus, the nation of Honour. Then one day while y/n was walking through the newly established library, she happened to run into Angeliki and Aegeus organizing documents by one of the nearby tables.

Angeliki: oh, what brings the Archon to the library today

Y/N (Ikram):Angeliki i see you and Aegeus are working in the library today

Angeliki: yes we are

Aegeus: *nodes head*

Y/N (Ikram): *smiles*

Angeliki: Lady Ikram i have a question for you *places down books in hand*

Y/N (Ikram): yes? What is it?

Angeliki: you call Cnidus the 9th nation of Teyvat, although you have taught us that there is only seven nations in Teyvat, that is excluding ours

Y/N (Ikram): ... it's probably best that i settle you coutiosity with the book writers then the answer to your question directly, as i believe that it would be easier to explain that way

Angeliki: as you wish, i apologise if it is a sensitive topic

Y/N (Ikram): do not worry Angeliki, your inquiry was perfectly rational, and i greatly appreciate your pursuit in knowledge.

Angeliki: *eye sparkle* *coughs* right thank for your appreciation lady Ikram

After finishing her conversation with Angeliki y/n made her way out through the back area of the library towards some of the untouched forest areas which were very close considering the library was on the edge of the city, that was now a lot larger than the clearing it started off in. y/n continued to walk through the untouched forest winding through the trees before reaching a climbing mountain path, that eventually lead to a seating area overlooking the city that had a similar arrangement to the seating area in front of Cloud retainers abode. y/n took a seating on one of the metal stools pouring herself a cup of Kitron while watching the people buzz around the streets.

Y/N (Ikram) pov: wow Pandora is getting really good at making alcohol... Barbatos i bet you'd really enjoy these drinks *sigh*

As per Angeliki's request y/n added a new book to the a story telling the history of what will come to be called the cataclysm, the event that will destroy the eighth nation of Teyvat... Khaenri'ah. As well as a few other books telling of its known history and achievements. Though being reluctant to add these to the library Ikram had a feeling that soon the heavenly principles will order for its destruction, and that doing this might end up being worth it. However what she didn't know is that a few of her other close friends were about to lose their lives in a fight, that will be lost in time.

another time skip ☆*: .。. A/N: ah yes lovely time skips *makes time jump cutely*。.:*☆

It had been a few months since y/n had last communicated with her people, she was spending a lot more time in her mountain spot watching down over them, that soon people started calling it the Archons Abode and the home of Ikram. y/n didn't mind this, all it meant was that she could sit with herself without interruptions, as no one dared to step foot on that mountain. One day when y/n was walking through the temple of Erechtheion (real greek building) when suddenly a blood red hue began to engulfing the sky, as red cubes all slowly started floating in the same direction. This was a signal, a signal to an end.

Y/N (Ikram): The sky...

As y/n stared into the sky she could slowly hear the sounds of the people fading into silence, as they all soon noticed the sudden change in sky. The sudden change brought worry and concern to the nations people, creating the need for an explanation from their Archon as to the happening of the sudden phenomenon.

Phoenix: My lady, the people have gathered in the centre of the town

Y/N (Ikram): don't worry it'll be alright *avoids eye contact subtly*

Phoenix: Very well then lady Ikram

y/n slowly made her way onto the platform still staring up at the blood red sky, as sights flashed through her head, visions... no memories from the ground beneath them, Barbatos, Morax, Makuto, Rukkhadevata, Egeria, xxxx (don't know the original pyro Archons name), and Tsaritsa, you all better not die



Y/N (Ikram): Please everyone calm down, I can assure you that the sudden change in the sky will not pose any threat to us it is merely a warning



Y/N (Ikram): you needn't worry yourselves with that just pay no mind to it, and it will pass over

With that y/n left the view of the crowd, leaving a lot of their questions unanswered, knowing that some were one she did not want to answer. The sky was stained red for quite a while and during that time y/n spent even more in the Archons abode to the point that she was never seen by her people the entire time during that event causing worry amongst her people. Even after the red sky returned to normal y/n remained on the Mountain mourning her loss, afterall she witnessed both Egeria and Raiden Makuto lose their lives, to the creatures of the abyss. The creations of the Khaenri'an alchemist Rhinedottir, formally known as Gold.

Y/N (Ikram) pov: i see the sky has returned has finally returned to normal, as soon it will be nothing more than a by gone memory

That day y/n returned to the temple of Erechtheion, making the decision to focus more of her attention on her people, and the progress of her nation, as well as keeping them both safe and hidden, hidden from the world and hidden form the Heavenly Principles  


word count :1145

okay so this is going to the last chapter that going to be during this point in time, i planning to have the rest of the story take part after the Traveler has arrived in Teyvat. Also i might end up possibly including some of my own head cannons for certain characters based on how i preserve them in game. 

A nation of Forgotten metal [slow updates]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin