chapter five

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Chapter five: the fallen star and fading walls


It had been 500 hundred years since the sky turned to the colour of Blood. Many generations have passed since then. Through 100 years of those generations the nations archon, Ikram disappear from the lives of the people. However Alloyo visions continued to be granted as well as visions of the other seven elements beginning to appear among the people. This indeed give the people comfort, in knowing that their god still casted her watchful gaze upon them. As time went on the people eventually created their own hierarchy and legal system around their Archons values, and the current standing society classes. When Ikram returned to Cnidus she could see the progress of her people and the development they were able to create without her help.

However she was finding it difficult to understand as to how the people were receiving visions of the other elements, though she could understand Anemo she failed to understand the appearance of Dendro, Hydro, Geo, Electro, Cryo, and Pyro, sometimes she would find herself having to ask for assistance from officials in understanding what the people had developed for navigation and exploration. One y/n was walking through one of the Gardens within the main city, when a sudden breeze blew through her hair, causing it to come undone and follow it's direction.

Y/N (Ikram): Barbatos this is your doing isn't it

y/n received no answer to her question, however soon a harsh breeze blew past. This one though was followed by a panicked voice and flying letters flowing in its current.


Upon noticing what was happening y/n created a large bowl-shaped object in front of her using it to catch the flying letters before they could get too far, stacking them into a neat pile.

???: Ah thank you so much lady Ikram, I guess using an anemo vision without practice wasn't a good idea- huh *nervous laugh*

Y/N (Ikram): an anemo vision

Y/N (Ikram) pov: he looks oddly familiar

Arkin: Ah yes, I should introduce myself-- I'm Arkin I'm a new worker for the Hellenistics news bird, I work in the delivery system. So I'm just another paper boy. Oh! Before I forget there is a letter addressed to you-- let me just... *searches through letters* Here! *hands well-worn letter*

Y/N (Ikram): A letter for me?

Arkin: yep, it doesn't have a sender though. Anyways got to go have mail to deliver, and I'm not planning on losing me bet with Hermès just yet, and he still owes me a Raki

y/n watched as the white-haired boy started walking off in the direction of his next delivery, his green overcoat moving freely behind him. Suddenly y/n noticed a hidden detail in the boys cloths, there was an outline of two white wings stitched to the back of his cloak, they looked slightly rushed; maybe they were done by hand y/n thought. Soon y/n let her attention shift back to the letter she had received taking a curiosity to its contents.


To my hidden wind—

My goodness I wonder just how much time has gone by since we last saw one another. We're like two birds being separated by a never-ending storm... don't you think.

Y/N (Ikram): guess he's still as obnoxious as ever

I've been thinking for a while, it's been what 600 years now, your people know plenty about us- (despite their knowledge being limited) but we know nothing about your nation at its people, we know not of Cnidus's culture and heritage. So I propose an idea, why not host a collaborative event with Mondstadt, I'm sure the knights will be more than happy to oblige, though I guess that would mean you'd have to introduce yourself to the world- and it would be a while till the nations become formally acquainted. Just what will you choose... Until then please enjoy my gift, a special Windblume just for you... My hidden wind.

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