Part 3

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((A/N: This chapter will start off in Roberto's PoV(just cause it'll make a bit more sense) then it'll turn to Gina's))

-Roberto's PoV-

I put down my pen and turn my chair around towards the window, sighing deeply. It's such a nice day today...the sky is clear, not a cloud in sight. The sun is shining bright and the flowers are scattered in bright colors. I zone out, staring at the trees that are gently swaying in the light breeze.

"Prince Roberto?"


I snap back to reality and turn my chair towards Al, whom is standing in front of my desk.

"There will be a ball tomorrow evening at the grand castle of Nobel Michel."



Dang it. I don't have anyone to go with! I mean, I feel like I shouldn't worry about it though. All the other princes almost never show up with a date, but I have the urge to bring one. Just so they can get jealous.

I sigh and begin to think. Wait a second...I'm surprised I don't just call myself a complete idiot!

"Al, can we go run a quick errand please?"

I ask, looking at Al hopefully. He shakes his head and sighs.

"...fine. I'll bring the car around."

"Whoo! Thanks Al!"

I smile happily and watch as Al bows and leaves my office. How exciting~!

After we get into the limo and enter into town, I tell Al to go to the bakery. I want to see if Gina is there. I spot the small little store and wait for the car to stop before rushing out, entering the Bakery with Al behind.

As I walk in, a little boy rushes up towards me. From his hair and face, I instantly remember him. I kneel down to eye level with him, smiling.

"Hello Jinichi! It's nice to see you again!"

"Hi there Prince Roberto! Are you looking for Gina?"

"How'd you know?"

I say, ruffling his hair. He laughs and shrugs, looking towards me.

"I don't know. Just guessed. But she's at home, it was her day off today."

"Really? Think she would mind me stopping by?"


He shakes his head and I chuckle. I thank him and now my head, wrapping my arm around him in a quick hug. I stand up and smile down at Jinichi.

"Thank you for the help Jinichi!"

"Not at all Prince Roberto!"

"Just call me Roberto."

I say. I wave towards him and turn around, leaving the shop and turning towards Al. He nods. Already knows. Off to Gina!

- --Gina's PoV-- -


"What is it Bunny? You hungry?"

I say, petting my white kitten as he purrs, meowing again and jumping off my lap towards his food bowl. I figured. I get up and fill up his bowl with cat food and giving him some water.

I kneel down and gently caress the top of his head as he eats, him purring softly.

"There you go. Enjoy Bunny."

Yes, I know. I have a cat named Bunny. Well, I didn't name him. Jinichi did. He said he wanted me to call it Bunny just because his ears are really big. I couldn't resist, so I did.

I stand up and stretch, just as someone knocks on my door. Who is it? I'm not expecting anyone. I walk towards the door, opening it. The person there is definitely not someone I expected.

"Prince Ro- I'm mean, Roberto. What brings you here?"

I ask. Prince Roberto smiles happily and bows his head towards me.

"Evening Gina~! I just have something to ask of you."

"Really? Then, come on in, if you'd like."


He says and I let him in. As soon as he walks in, Bunny scurries up to him, sniffing and rubbing against him.

Roberto chuckles and bends down to pet him, Bunny purring loudly. He likes being pet, obviously.

"What a cute cat you have. What's its name?"

"His name is Bunny."


He asks with a amused smile, picking up Bunny in his arms as the cat rubs against him, sniffing around. I blush slightly.

"Jinichi named him."

"Haha, I see. How cute."

Bunny meows and he sets him down, the white cat walking off. That's the thing with him. You give him attention, then all of a sudden he doesn't even care. Roberto stands up and looks towards me.

"Oh, would you like a drink?"

"No, no, I'm fine. I only need to ask you a question."

I nod and lead him towards the couch so he can sit. Bunny hops on up with us, snuggling against Roberto. Roberto pets his head gently.

"Well, Gina, tomorrow there is going to be a ball at the grand castle of Nobel Michel. I was just wondering if you'd like to accompany me?"


"Of course!"

I blush. The Prince wants me, of all people, me, to go to the ball with him? Am I dreaming? I have to be, seriously. I look at him and he has this hopeful look on his face, I really can't say no.

"If it's alright...It would be an honor to accompany you."

"Awesome! That's fantastic! I'll come by tomorrow to pick you up. Also, don't worry about what you'll wear, I got it covered!"

As he says that, I try to protest, saying that I could buy one myself and that he doesn't need to, but he refuses. In the end, I give in. He gives me a time and stands up, giving Bunny a quick pet before turning towards me with a happy smile.

"Well then, I'll see you tomorrow Gina!"

"Same here Roberto."

I say with a smile. I lead him to the door and watch as he goes towards his limo outside. His butler, if I remember correctly, Al, opens the door for him. Before he goes in he waves at me. I wave back and watch as he drives off.

Too excited!!


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