Part 4

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((Gina's PoV))

*Knock, knock*

My attention is taken away from the TV and I stand up, walking towards the door. Who could it be? I open the door. Standing there is Roberto's butler, Al.

"Oh, good afternoon Al! What brings you here?"

I say with a smile. He bows and hands me a box. What's this?

"Prince Roberto requested me give this to you before the ball. He hopes you like it. I will be back at the arranged time with the Prince."

Roberto wanted to give me this? What's in it? I thank Al and watch as he enters a limo and drives off. I close the door and go into my room, Bunny hopping up on the bed, meowing while sniffing the box. I smile.

"Want to see what it is Bunny?"

He meows again, and I take it as a yes. I giggle and open up the box. The sight before me makes my jaw drop.

A beautiful, sparkling pale blue dress is folded ever so neatly in the box. There's heals to match the dress and a note.

'Hello Gina!
I hope your afternoon is going well. This is your dress! Do you like it? I thought I'd get this color to match your hair. I hope it fits! Can't wait to see your beautiful self later on!


His handwriting is so pretty. I feel the heat rush to my face and I smile happily. The dress seems almost too pretty. I can't believe he would get a dress that matches my hair, and shoes too. I kinda feel bad though, him wasting money on an outfit for me.

But the gesture is kind, so I guess I'll push away the negative thoughts. Bunny meows loudly, looking up at me. I pet his head gently and he purrs.

"Like the dress?"

He meows again and licks my hand. I giggle. That's a yes. I decided to begin to get ready since I'm running low on time until Roberto comes. I shower a bit quickly and slip in the dress.

It fits perfectly. How is that possible? I'm quite surprised. Even so, I smile at my reflection in the mirror. Wow, who even is this girl? I've never worn dresses like this, ever.

After finally having enough of looking at the mirror, I start to put on make-up. I don't use make-up often, but I thought I should at least do something with my eyes. Afterwards I style my hair and put on the beautiful shoes, which also fits well.

I look at myself again, and I'm blown a away. Wow. I wonder what Roberto will think?


"Woah...that's huge."

I say, staring out the window as we get closer and closer to the grand castle of Nobel Michel. It's really big, and it's lit up all pretty and bright, I adore it.

"Like it?"

"Love it."

I say looking at Roberto, smiling. Roberto returns the smile and the limo stops. Wow, we're here. I begin to feel a bit nervous as Al opens my door, Roberto taking my hand as I stand. We link arms and start walking towards the castle. I must be a blushing mess.

We walk inside and my breath is taken away. It's so...beautiful. Inside, the ballroom is crowded with many beautiful women and tons of handsome men. They are all super fancy looking, I feel a bit left out.

That aside, Roberto leads me to a group of men. Prince outfits? Wait, more princes?! I can't.

"Roberto! Who is this beautiful flower you have with you?"

One of them say. A tall, silver haired male with really pretty purple eyes. I blush slightly but smile.

"I'm Gina Kanjo. It's an honor to meet you."

I boy my head and the Prince chuckles lightly. He bows politely, smiling at me.

"Prince Edward of Charles Kingdom. The pleasure is all mine."

"Alright! You met Ed, now the others!"

Roberto says. He introduces me to another prince. He has purple hair, with purple eyes to match. He looks at me with a straight face and bows his head.

"Joshua Lieben of Dres Van Kingdom. Nice to meet you."

I now my head back and smile. Next is a pretty blonde haired male. His eyes are a enchanting blue color. He smiles softly and bows. He seems to be the silent type.

"Prince Wilfred A. Spencer of Phillip Kingdom. Pleasure to meet you Gina."

"Thank you. It's an honor."

I say smiling. He seems kind, like Edward. The next Prince looks a bit intimidating. He has brown hair and an uninterested expression on his face. I bow and introduce myself.

"Keith Alford of Liberty Kingdom."

He says with his arms crossed. Well then? Roberto leans in and whispers quietly to me.

"Don't worry bout Keithster, he's always like that."

I nod and he smiled reassuringly. The last Prince looks really young. Brown hair, brown eyes. Is he the youngest if them all?

"Glenn J. Casiraghi, Prince of Oriens. Nice to meet you Gina."

"Pleasure to meet you as well Prince Glenn."

I reply. Wow, never in a million years did I ever picture myself meeting Princes. Princes. I have to be dreaming...

((A/N: yeah I feel like the introductions n stuff was really boring I'm sorry but yey update :3))

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