-- Moving On --

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-- UZI --

"Can Uzi Doorman please come up to the stage?" Said Mr. Mikheil. I did as was told and turned to face the crowd in front of me. I spotted my mom, Nori, waving to me excitedly from the corner of my eye with Khan sitting beside her, smiling with approval. I sheepishly waved at them.

"Uzi, your years in school is about to end in your final graduation. By the end of tonight, you'll be a graduate of our colony's school. Are you ready to receive your certificate?" Mr. Mikheil said. I nodded. He slid a piece of paper into my outstretched arm and let me face the audience once more.

"Uzi has received the honor no Worker Drone could've ever accomplished expect for her. The 'Colony Hero Award'. May we have a round of applause for her?" The teacher said. As if they were programmed to, the audience stood up and clapped, with a few of my classmates cheering and giving me thumbs-ups. I bowed and walked off stage with a smile.

After a couple hours of the same ceremony, me and my class went outside and cheered. Lizzy was boasting about how she was excelled in her grades to Doll, who nodded every minute. "Hey Uzi!" Someone said. I jumped and turned around, only finding out it was Thad. "Congrats on the award. You excited to start adulthood?" He said. "Yeah, I'm pretty thrilled! I could have so much more freedom from here on out." I replied with a triumphant smile. Thad snickered and said casually: "So, you doing anything later?" I bit my lip, thinking of an answer. "Well, no, but I am planning on going into the woods for a stroll. Are you asking me out?" I finally said. Thad looked honestly surprised. "No, no! Just wondering." he reassured.

"Okay great, cause I was hoping I'd go alone. Well, hope your life is good from here on out." I said, and left to go home.

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