-- Burning Passion --

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-- N --

I dashed through the shadows till I spotted J. I rubbed some of Uzi's oil (which I found incredibly warm!), onto my now clawed hands to seem like I was in the middle of a murder. Surely enough, J spotted the oil and smirked. "Finishing the witness off, eh? You did good, N. Let's get back to the pod." She said, spreading her wings and she launched into the air, with me following shortly after. I couldn't stop thinking about Uzi. She was alive! And fine! Soon enough, she'll show up in his pod tonight! TONIGHT! 

I had to distract J somehow so she doesn't notice Uzi arriving. So in the air, I conducted a plan. "Hey J?" I said. J paused midair and turned around to face me. "How about.. you go get us some materials to make our pod more inhabitable, and I'll guard it. Sounds good?" J squinted at me, clearly looking like she'll see through my act. "What's wrong with our current pod? And we don't need to guard it, we're the predators here." She responded. 

"Please?" I said, holding my arms together. J sighed and said: "Okay fine. I'll be back by.. tomorrow noon. That good enough?" I smiled. "Mhm! Thanks, J." It was enough time, probably more, depending on how long Uzi wanted to stay. J flew in the opposite direction while I continued going back to the pod.

When I reached ground, Uzi was already waiting there. "Hey Uzi!" I said, waving. She waved back. "Hey N! Where's J? She's not here, is she?" Uzi looked around cautiously. I understood her concern. "No, I drove her off. She won't be back till tomorrow noon. That okay with you?" Uzi nodded. "Great then! Come inside if you want." I opened the door and led Uzi in with a smile.

Uzi looked around. "Wow, this place changed a lot since I've last been here." She said. I nodded. "Yeah, we made use of the space and it became more of a home. J's out getting more stuff to decorate." Uzi oohed at the comment. I decided to carry the conversation by asking what she's been up to. Uzi told me that she graduated from school and now was basically free and considered an adult. I don't know why she said that, but she blushed when she mentioned it, so I had a bit of what she meant.

We were so caught up in conversation that I didn't notice the sun going down. Uzi did, and notified me about it. "I better go, J will probably return soon." I nodded. Uzi began to leave, but I decided to do something that probably changed her life.

"Wait, Uzi. I need you for something." I said. Uzi turned around and faced me. "What do you need, N?" She said, curious. I leaned forward, feeling like my face was hot with blush. Uzi stuttered, "What- what are you doing?" She was blushing too. We were inches away, and I pushed myself further and we kissed.

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