-- Surprises --

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-- Uzi --

I didn't really expect for me to encounter N on my stroll, but I did. When I poked my head out the bushes, he looked at me and jumped slightly, as if I startled him. "Uzi? Is it really you?" he asked. I nodded, stepping out the bushes and brushing off stray leaves. "Uhm, yeah, it's me. It's been a while." I said, smiling awkwardly. N smiled back. "I, uh, I missed you a lot." He said, taking my hands into his. I tried not to blush, but I definitely did, because N blushed back.

"I missed you too, N. It's been a while." I said. N's eyes softened, and I could hear him trying not to cry tears of joy. "Do- do you want to come over to my pod later?" he said, blushing harder. I nodded. "Sounds fun!" We then had an amazingly cute conversation until a voice broke our contact. "N! Who are you talking to there? If you don't come over here I'm charging into there myself!" said the unmistakable voice of J. "Well, I better go. Before that, can you let me bite your arm so that J thinks I was killing someone so she doesn't investigate?"

As much as the request was weird, I understood perfectly and let him do so.  N lifted his jaws away from my now oil-spilled wound and thanked me quickly, before running into the bushes. I waved, even though I knew he wouldn't look back, and left.

Angsty and WholesomeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt