Funny joke 296

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How did Elsa get her ice powers? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know...she was born with them. BUT WHY?? Was she cursed by an evil snowflake? Did her mom have an affair with a snowman? Was she a mutant? OH! Will there be a Frozen/X-Men crossover??

Who was running the kingdom when the king and queen died? So after the parents died in the animated version of that movie "The Perfect Storm", who the hell was running the show!? Who was raising the girls? Who was ruling the kingdom? Was it that random group of castle staff members they kept showing? Why did Anna never rebel and just be like "Open the gate, bitches!" I'm guessing your parents tragically dying would lead to some royally bad behavior...especially when you're being unreasonably imprisoned in your castle.

Why did Elsa attack Anna with Marshmallow? So Elsa spends her whole life worrying about hurting her sister and then she unleashes a snow beast on Anna? Huh? Was she like PMSing that day or something?

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