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A.N there will be books about how each oc met their mate(s) and of the others with their mates as well eventually.

Professor Albus, too-many-middle-names Dumbledore, cast one last look over his shoulder, at the doorstep of 4 Privet Drive. To the hope of the Wizarding World, the Slayer of Darkness, the Girl Who Lived. The baby lay in a basket there on the doorstep, a letter explaining why she was there on her relative's doorstep so suddenly, and without warning to them. Everything he'd looked into, researched, planned, and prepared for said this was the right call to make, that this is what would lead to the girl growing into the type of young woman the Wizarding World desperately needed in order to drive back the Dark Lord when he inevitably returned. He'd long ago accepted the concept of 'necessary evil', and knew just how rough it would be for the young Potter girl, growing up with her magic hating relatives, but it was necessary in the end. ...wasn't it?

With that last bit of uncertainty, the Headmaster of Hogwarts turned his back and Apparated away, leaving no trace that anything magical had happened on that street that night, leaving only the child -protected by (very weak) charms to ensure her well being- waiting to be discovered by her family in the morning. When the charms that would hide her from her enemies until she left for Hogwarts would activate, renewed once a year when she rejoined her family from Hogwarts in 10 years' time when his plans would truly begin to take place. This sequence of events was most familiar to the multiverse, as it had played out any number of times and ways. Including but not limited to; Young Holly/Harry Potter would grow up with the Dursleys, the pain of that life variable depending on how dark that particular branch of the timeline grew, and what events had slipped in before or after she/he was left on the door step.

Either way, the young Potter would grow up unaware of magic, only to be enraptured when he/she discovered it and caught up in the conflicts and miracles thereof, that is if she/he survived infancy in the Dursley home. In any number of timelines, Dumbledore's plan would carry out -as far as it went - and the name of Harry/Holly Potter would again become a Hero/Heroine to the Wizarding World for centuries to come.

...this is not one of those timelines.

In this timeline, not long after the Headmaster had vanished, a squat bald man in a long trench coat toddled along the street, his limbs a bit stiff with the cold of the night He swayed back and forth with his steps, his bulging eyes spinning with or without the turning of his head as he took in everything in his surroundings, enjoying a night unlike any other. A great evil had been cast from the Darkness, and all of his kind were eagerly enjoying the cleansing of their home, in the darkness. As he walked, though, his eyes locked on the basket left on the doorstep. "What's this?" he asked, his voice a little gravelly as he staggered up to the doorstep. Leaning over, he saw the infant sleeping inside. "Who'd leave a baby all alone on this night of all nights?That's just asking for someone -or something- to snatch her up for something unsavory." He leaned in closer, then paused and took a sniff and then another just to be sure. "Hmm... someone's been careful, though." He observed cheekily tearing the protections down. His eyes twisted and locked onto the lightning bolt scar just under her hairline. "What's this?" Reaching forward, he pressed his finger to the scar, pulling it back as he felt the energy there. He took a sniff of his finger, and his eyes widened comically.  "Could it be?" He placed the tip of his finger against his tongue.

"It is! This girl's been touched by death... and conquered it! So young, too? How could this be?" His eyes spun to the letter. Curious, he slipped a long nail under the seal and easily opened the envelope without breaking it. Pulling out the parchment, he purused it humming occasionally.

As he read, his bulging eyes widened, and his mouth slowly split into an almost terrifying grin. "So you purged the evil from the Darkness, did you lass?" he asked, pleasantly surprised. "At your age, that's impressive!" He frowned as he caught sight of the name of the evil. "Even if he weren't evil, no one who Runs From Death belongs in the Darkness. And now his followers want you dead?" His grin returned as he chuckled, sitting down next to the basket even as the young lass' eyes opened, staring up at him in surprise...but with no fear. "Well, now I know why you've been left here! A start like that, you belong with your clan, blood or no blood!" Fester proclaimed happily,Scooping the girl out of the basket. He held her up carefully as she grinned at him. "And there's no doubt about it, my girl. You...are an Addams!" As he declared that, lightning flashed out of the cloudless sky, thunder boomed. And the baby girl grinned from ear to ear before leaning forward a bit to try and eat the man's thumb despite the lack of teeth, she was persistent. Chuckling, the old man pulled out a bone of some sort and stuck it in Holly's mouth for her to suckle on.

The smokey flavor of the reptilian phalange immediately caught her attention, and she grabbed hold of it with both hands and suckled on it happily.  "That's a good lass!" the man declared happily as he shifted some of what he was carrying into the basket before slinging it across his back, nestling the young girl into the crook of his arm. "Course, an Addams needs a father and a mother to grow up right. brother did say he and Morticia were trying for children." He grinned down at the baby in his arms. "Come along with Uncle Fester now, young lady. It's time to go home." Fester proclaims happily picking the babe up, with that said, Fester Addams set off in the one direction every Addams (born or married into the name) instinctively knew to go, the knowledge in their very blood whether they were born of the clan or brought into it because they belonged...Home.

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