Chapter three~

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The Addams' children grew rapidly, as children are wont to do. Kai grew somewhat slim and lanky at first, though he seemed to possess strength that belied his frame, especially when wielding his sword. Wednesday had taken to carrying her crossbow everywhere as soon as she and Malikai started walking. Pugsley grew more out than up and became ambulatory much later.

At the age of five, Malikai appeared every inch of an Addams. His hair had grown out and now hung down to his shoulders in wavy curls that he wore in braids ending in nuses, his skin a pale ivory, his lips a rosey red and his hair a dark raven black. He tended to avoid getting involved in the rivalry that had developed between Wednesday and Pugsley, seeming to absentmindedly redirect any projectiles she launched at the rather large target without even touching them, in much the same way he'd sent things flying about the Manor when he was younger. Wednesday seemed to take that as a challenge to get one through that Kai either didn't or couldn't redirect without conscious effort, determined to catch him deliberately interfering. Their antics mightily amused their parents and Uncle. Wednesday was highly disappointed when she couldn't get any attacks through. Kai seemingly always sensing them coming towards himself no matter what.


Though Malikai mastered walking before Wednesday, he didn't actually start wandering around until she was able to go with him. Now that they were both walking, they'd taken to playing outside together where Pugsley wasn't able to follow them quite yet. It was on such a day that Kai had his first real adventure as an Addams family member. Wednesday had made a folded paper Viking funeral boat, and carried it to the street to set it where water flowed towards the storm drain. "Do you have the fire?" she asked Malikai calmly. Malikai simply snapped his fingers, a flame burning on the tip of his index finger without harming him. "Always, dear sister," he replied warmly. "The passions of an Addams are always ready to ignite." He giggles out happily.

A roll of the eyes and the slightest hint of a smile were Wednesday's only response to his playful banter as she set the boat down in the water before lifting her crossbow. "A light the arrow, then," she said, knocking an arrow and taking aim with her crossbow. The head was dried wood treated with cooking fat and would ignite the moment the flame touched it. Before Henri could move, however, the boat sped along the channel to be sucked down the drain with an oddly malicious sound. Wednesday frowned at that.

"It was supposed to burn to ash, not go down a whirlpool. That's a different adventure." Wednesday says, pouting. "Yes, we did that last week," Malikai confirmed. "Never fear, I'll go fetch it." With that, he strode forward gaily before hopping up. Putting his feet together, he slipped into the storm drain with a wiggle and a swish.


Wednesday moved close to listen, idly concerned for whatever Malikai encountered down there. Very few things deserved to be on the receiving end of Addams antics without warning. "Well, well, well..." a scratchy voice growled out wickedly, echoing from the drain. "What brings you down here, little boy?" A voice asked evilly.

"I'd like that boat back, please Mr. Clown," Kai's voice replied energetically. "My sister wasn't done playing with it." Malikai explains calmly. "Well, you don't need to worry much about that," the voice chuckled. "Call her down to join us then. We all float down here..." There was silence for a moment. "You know, that would be a lot more intimidating if your teeth were clean," Malikai observed calmly. "...what?" the other voice demanded, in confusion. "Teeth that long need to be razor sharp for the right fear factor, but those look like they're on the verge of breaking," Kai pointed out boredly. "But these have so many cavities that they'd probably break before my skin would if you tried to bite me, not to mention the little light down here reflecting off the suddenly exposed gleaming fangs would add a whole new element to the experience. Rather sub par, I must say." Malikai tells the entity sounding bored. There was silence for a time again. "Well..." the scraggly voice stated quietly as an odd echo followed. "You're of sterner stuff than my normal prey." A disturbingly organic squelch erupted from the drain as the voice shifted to echo oddly. "But you will taste true fear...and then I will taste your soul!" the voice began only to be interrupted by Kai yet again. "Now that's more like it!" Malikai declared excitedly. 

"How did you fit so much mass and so many joints in a humanoid leg? And so articulate!" Henri gasps happily. "Hey, stop that!" the echoing voice demanded. "I am a fierce fear predator, not some toy to -wait, stop! That doesn't bend that way -" the voice cracks painfully. "Oh, I'm sure if you flex enough -" A crackling crunch of a twisted exoskeleton interrupted Malikai's words, followed by an animalistic shriek of pain. "Wow, you really should have invested in better flexibility. Do you know how terrifying impossible bodily contortions can be?" Kai suggests calmly.

"That's it!" the echoing voice declared angrily. I'll taste your flesh first and taste your fear when I've left you in limbless agony!" The crash of bone striking stone echoed, followed by a crumbling sound. "," Malikai murmured softly, the sound still echoing up out of the drain to where Wednesday was listening calmly. "Now you know fear-" the voice began. "That was pathetic," Kai sighed in resignation. "You know how old the stonework is down here? I could have done that without even touching it."  There was a loud crack, followed by a much louder crumbling and crashing sound of falling rock. "See?" Kai announces boredom filling his voice.

"!" the echoing voice declared, rage mixed with fear now. "Taste my deadlights!" An unholy light blazed out of the drain. Wednesday shaded her eyes to keep from being overwhelmed between that and the sunlight. It was a bit brighter than was comfortable for her. Malikai  gasped in wonder of this revelation. "Ectoluminescent organs? Granny would love those for her potions!" The distinctive 'shwing' sound of his foil extending could be heard above. Making Wednesday's ears perk up. "Wait, what?" the voice began, only to scream as another squelch echoed. "Stop, please, I beg you!" It cried out obviously in pain. "Oh, don't be a baby," Malikai chided idly, an organic plop underlying his words. "You'll heal. Now, what else would she like -" Kai began thoughtfully. "I want my Mommy!" the formerly angry voice cried out in fear and pain. Several more squelching sounds, the swish of Henri's sword, and the sound of capping jars followed, ending with the sound of something slithering away. Shortly afterward, Malikai climbed out of the drain. In one hand, he held the boat.

In the other, he held his foil, dripping an odd colored substance. Numerous jars filled with unidentifiable chunks of flesh - some glowing an ethereal white hung off his rucksack. A bit of odd colored blood speckled his outfit, and his boots were coated in sewer gunk, but he was otherwise immaculate. Not even his hair had shifted.

Setting the jars down once he was out, he gave Wednesday back the boat before once more igniting his finger. "Now, where were we?" Smiling, Wednesday set the boat back in the water, -where it stayed very still save for seeming to be pushed away from the storm drain by an unseen force- and lifted her crossbow aiming expertly for the boat and lighting it a flame.


As Malikai had anticipated, Granny adored the new contributions to her mystic arts and began eagerly tutoring the young Addams in her mysteries. He proved both an apt and eager pupil.

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