Chapter twelve~

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"Picked one up in Knockturn," Fester replied. "Had a few extra protections on it the standard model doesn't, just in case Kai's feeling experimental." Fester says jovially. Hagrid had no idea what the last part meant, but he shrugged it off. "Take it ye got yer scales with yer potion gear?" he asked. "Several different sets, depending on what I'm weighing to avoid cross contamination," Kai confirmed. "Then after that, we'll get yer wand," Hagrid decided firmly. "See ya in a bit." With that, he turned with Fester towards the book shop while Kai entered the robe shop. As he entered the shop, Kai was greeted by a squat, smiling witch dressed in a mauve dress.

Hogwarts, dear?" she asked warmly, her voice soft and gentle. "Indeed! I'm Malikai Mordu Addams. And who might a beauty such as you be?" He took her hand in his and gallantly bowed over it, kissing the air above her knuckles.

"Surely not the Madam Malkin who has run the shop for so long. Her daughter, perhaps?" The witch alternated between pale and blushing before bursting into giggles. "Oh, your family reputation precedes you, but doesn't do it justice," she offered gaily. "For now, come along, and I'll get you fitted for your robes. Dapper as you look in that suit, Hogwarts requires a uniform, but I'll do what I can to ensure you look as good in them as this. There's another boy here getting fitted. Just hop up beside him." Madame Malkin says happily. Kai happily followed the witch into the back of the shop, hopping up on a stool next to a platinum-blonde haired boy who was in the midst of a fitting. Madam Malkin tossed a robe over his head and began to fit it to him.

The boy had been silent as Kai sauntered in, eyeing the dramatic suit he wore and his pale looks and bone spectacles. "Hogwart, too?" he asked carefully. "Indeed." Kai confirmed modestly. "And who might you be?" He asked curiously. "Draco Malfoy," the boy introduced, trying -and failing- to look aloof. "Malikai Addams," Henri introduced himself. "I'd shake hands, but it doesn't do to interrupt a crafts master at work...especially when it involves needles in uncomfortable places. That's best saved for at home, wouldn't you say?" Kai asked jovially. As the two witches at work alternated between paling or tittering, the boy seemed to get even paler, if that were possible. "P-pleased to meet you," he managed to say. "I...didn't think any Addams would be attending Hogwarts."


"As I understand, I'm the first to be born to the Clan with Wizarding magic as well as that of the Clan to attend Hogwarts since the school was founded," Kai observed with a smile. "I'm here with a couple of my to do my shopping. You?" Henri asks curiously. "With my mother and father," Draco replied readily, plainly struggling to keep himself calm and in control, though Kai chose to ignore his panic. "Father's at the bookstore next door, and Mother's looking at wands." Draco added. "My Uncles are at the bookstore just now-" Kai paused as he glanced out the window of the shop, seeing Hagrid, Fester, and a tall man with hair the same color as Draco's and piercing grey eyes which alternated between going wide and narrowing. "Oh, guess they must have finished. Is that your father?" Kai asks curiously. "Yes, it is," Draco confirmed.

"And...your Uncles?"  He looked at the pair. "...isn't that Rubeus Hagrid? Isn't he a servant at Hogwarts?" Draco asks confused. "The Groundskeeper, yes," Henri confirmed. "I didn't know he was an Addams," Draco commented carefully. "We didn't either until a few days ago when he brought my letter," Kai explained readily. "But the Family Magic knew him for one of us when he approached, and that's that." Kai finishes happily. "Wait, really?" Draco asked in surprise.  "Just like that?" Draco asks confused.

"Absolutely!" Kaii confirmed readily. "When you know someone is kin to your heart, soul, the very marrow of the bones, why should some acid have any more authority? Acid's for experiments and games, not rules." Kai giggles out. "...acid?" Draco asked in confusion. "What, you think hemoglobin has anything to do with relatives?" Kai continued, smiling cheekily at Draco's shocked face. Draco relaxes as he realizes Kaii is joking with him.

"Ahem, are you two quite done?" A voice asks coolly behind the smiling duo. The boys turn and see Madame Malkin's assistant Rose standing off to the side with their clothes in hand. "If you boys are done, you can pay for your school clothes now." Madame Malkin says coolly. The duo blush obviously embarrassed by her interruption.

"Good day, Miss Rose!" A soft feminine voice calls as the bell rings, signaling someone walked in. Rose looks up and her face immediately lights up. "Miss Lovegood! Long time no see, are you here for your Hogwarts attire?" Rose asks happily.

The boys stare at the immediate change in her attitude. "Yes, I am. How are your wife and children, Miss Rose?" Luna Lovegood asks curiously. "Mindy and the children are doing well. Thanks for asking Luna. How's your father? Is he doing any better after your mother's passing?" Rose asks worriedly. Luna sighs. "Papa is still torn up over Mama's passing, I worry he may take it out on Orion and he's just a baby after all." Luna explains worriedly. "Don't worry, I'll go have a chat with him. It is my duty as his sister to do so after all. Don't worry, it can only get better from here now." Rose coos gently holding Luna's teary face and leaving the shop with her. The boys quickly leave the shop after paying awkwardly, leaving the two alone gaping after them


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