No. 9

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Here I am again.

Losing my mind, but holding it all inside.

The guilt was eating away at me. The pain was like a dagger through my barely beating heart. I couldn't breath, but I fought it.

For Michael's sake.

He was the only one left with me. He was my rock. I couldn't leave him, I wouldn't leave him.

"Michael, I'm sorry," I finally say. He is sitting on the edge of the rugged wooden couch, tapping his fingers simultaneously against its ripped leather.

He looks up at me, "There has to be a way out, Luke. If you can fight it, so can I...right?"

I nod, "Of course. But - I don't know how we'll open these doors."

Michael shrugged.

He didn't seem to care all that much.

"Mike," I speak softly, just loud enough for him to hear, "I love you."

He looks at me, regret burning in his eyes, "Stop saying things like that. You're acting as if you're going to die too. I'm not letting that happen! You're my baby brother! I am suppose to keep you safe and..."

I slid back into the couch and let the tears fall down my dirty cheeks. He grabs my hand, and begins to rub soothing circles into it.

"I'm sorry Lukey. I love you too.."

I don't respond and I close my eyes.

All I see is darkness and I'm lost.

Lost in a world I'll never leave.


Just a little something.

- Robin

Lost & Found || 5SOS HorrorOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz