No. 10

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Michael is pacing the room back and forth. Retracing back through all of the horror films and ghost movies he has ever watched, looking for an answer.

"There has to be a way to kill these damn things..." he muttered.

I laid my head back, "I don't think salt is going to do it, Michael."

He chuckled, "Hey, it's worth a shot right? It may not kill them, but it'll keep them away from us to buy a little more time."

I shrugged, "Do you think there is some in the kitchen?"

He smiled, "I'll go check."

I watched as Michael stepped through the arch, into the let down of a kitchen.

I looked over to see Calum's bloody body and I felt like crying again. But I didn't. I couldn't.

Suddenly, Michael came out of the kitchen holding a small cylinder of salt.

I force a grin and stand, but just as I reach for the container, Michael is pulled back into the kitchen.

The salt flies to the floor and Michael starts to yell.

I hear the laughter again. The giggles of song.

"Ring around the roses...Pocket full of poses... ashes...ashes....Let's spill his blood..."

I run, anger boiling inside of my very bones. I grab Michael's hands and I pull.

The singing continues.

I see blood spewing from Michael's arms and legs. He cries. He's screaming for me to help.

But no matter how hard I pull, he doesn't budge. The girls appear. All three.

Mary, Molly, Macy. The Trinity.

I see knives in their hands. They slash into Michael's skin and I can't stop them.

I kick them, but my foot goes right through. They are too strong.

Michael looks up at me one last time.

"Take my guitars," he smiles. And then his head falls along with the rest of his body. The girls disappear and the singing stops.

And I am alone.

Everyone who tried on this night with me, is dead. And I am alive.

Why? I ask myself, why did I outlast them all?

A sudden streak of daylight shines on the floor below me.

I see Michael's blood much clearer now. I see my big brother dead, lying in the vengeance of three psychotic little brats.

I turn to see a door open by itself.

I'm not alone. The ghosts, the souls of so many lost ones are here.

But the door is open, and I can run.

So I find it in myself to walk outside.

The fresh air is relaxing, the thought of leaving is some what hopeful.

I step off the porch slowly.

My head is a mess. My body is weak and soar at that.

I walk down the dirt road.

The one I came in on.

I look from side to side to see nothing but trees and birds singing their pretty little tunes.

I see the van parked right where I left it. A truck stationed at it's side.

Chey and Bri, I assume.

I walk.

But I stop before I reach the van.

I can't leave, I think. Maybe I had been trapped for so long, that the thought of being free was a figment of my imagination.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

I feel all of the nights emotions run through me.






I watched every one of them die.

Wasn't it my turn?

I ignored my thoughts, and opened my eyes.

"Hi Luke," that familiar smooth voice ran through my ears.

It was Calum.

His neck was broken, and blood streamed out of any hole in his body. He smiled though. He looked happy.

"Calum?" I asked, unable to process anything other than his name.

He let out a laugh, "Yeah, it's me."

My eyes widen, and I step back a little, "How are you -"

"I'm one of them now, Lukey. Judson and Tommy, and Don...I took their place. Now I get to stay."

I feel my body freeze, "What do you mean?"

Calum smiles, "Don't be so scared Luke. Everything is okay, I'm okay. Ashton, Bri, Cheyann, Michael...they're all okay."

My fingers tingle a bit, "Wait..they're ghosts too?" I sound too shocked. I don't know what else to say.

"We'll live forever in the house, Luke. You can join us."

My jaw drops and I feel the tears brimming my eyelids, "Stay? You're going to be trapped here forever?"

Calum smiles, "Just like Don."

I scratch my head, "And...I can stay too?"

I hear his subtle laugh, "You're suppose to, Lukey. After all, you brought us here. You can't get in that van and drive away, knowing how guilty you are."

I start to cry. He was right. I couldn't leave knowing they were stuck, trapped inside here forever.

"Join us, Lukey."

He's wheezing again.

My body relaxes and I stare Calum in the eyes. He smiles one last time, and I give in.

"Okay," I say and turn around.


One more chapter!!

- Robin

Lost & Found || 5SOS HorrorOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz