The Prompt

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This was the very very first thing I ever wrote for FireWeaver that spiraled the whole story off. At first it was just a fun little concept I wrote down and didn't intend to really do anything more but as I progressed I was like "dang now I really want to see how this all plays out and what happened," and thus FireWeaver was born.

I'm gonna put a spoiler warning because while a lot of the stuff changes in the actual story, it does give away some major plot points too. You just won't know which is which.

Here we go~

****Fire-weaver and Spider-man 2099 are in the middle of downtown Nueva York in the midst of battle.****

"...My boyfriend has been staying out late without telling me lately. I can't help but get the feeling that he's hiding something from me" Fire-weaver said, slinging a web that hooked onto a goon's shoulder, before she pulled him into her fist. "I mean I can't really be mad because I'm one to talk, but I just can't help feeling curious, you know?"

Her unwitting partner, spider-man, who looked- and was- nothing like the classical one with his inverse red and blue suit, only focused on knocking out two more men, their futuristic goggles cracking as they landed on the ground.

"Why are you telling me this again?" He said, dodging a blast from in front of him.

"I don't know, because you're a guy?" Fire-weaver rolled her eyes beneath her mask as she gave a swift kick to the armed burglar who shot at him.

"Not all men are the same." Spider-man responded, his voice increasingly monotone, if that was possible. He webbed up the burglars they had incapacitated, tying them to a pole as sirens rung in the distance.

"Gee no way, I'll be sure to remind you of that the next time you ask me for relationship advice." Fire-weaver sighed, despite knowing he would never do such a thing "I'm asking because you're a guy who has his own share of secrets. Come on, can't you at least give me some kind of assurance? Am I being crazy? Is it nothing- or am I being cheated on?"

He sighed, his shoulders sinking before he thought for a moment. A part of him could relate to what she was asking. Even though he never shared things with her, he had his own similar problems in his relationship.

"Look, maybe he wants to tell you but just hasn't found the right moment to... or maybe, he simply can't."

The spider-woman sighed, slinging a web and swinging herself up to a low roof top. Spider-man followed.

"What if it's worse than I think. Or what if he refuses to tell me? Can I really say anything when I'm literally playing a hero behind his back?" She crossed her arms, sitting on the edge as she looked out over the city.

It hummed with so many noises she was still getting used to. It wasn't that much different from her New York, but Nueva York still had so many new colors, new lights and hover ads and cars that looked sleek and unreal. Half the buildings that towered around her hadn't even begun construction yet back in her world.

Spider-man stood beside her, looking out at the city, not sure what it must look like behind her eyes.

"Does it matter honestly what he does? What exactly are you going to tell him when you have to go back to your dimension?" He crossed his arms, his mind running with different predictions of her response.

She kept silent for a time, maybe calculating the exact same thing he was.

"That's the part I've been trying not to think about." She finally admitted. "It was easy a couple months ago. My whole heart was back in my New York- my world. But now, half of it lies here. How do I tell someone I'm beginning to fall for that I'll be taking the definition of long distance to a whole new level?"

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