Magnus Archives AU

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OKAY I caved at episode 95 of the Magnus Archives and decided I wanted to try my hand at this horrific universe. Where to even start??! I love everything about this series (except the fact I can no longer sleep at night haha) and today at my creepy job a bunch of ideas sparked and led me to here.

If you haven't heard of the Magnus archives or haven't listened to it I highly recommend it! It's such a good Audio drama and has me hooked. And on that note, if you do decide to listen to it, then I'd like to warn you this oneshot will have some spoilers (idk how heavy it is because I'm still listening to it myself haha).

You've been warned!

Still here? Good.

Let's begin.

....Eden Sungilda Presents...

The Magnus Archives

—Episode 1: Volatile—



Statement of Esmerelda Costello, regarding her time in The Royal Ballet in London and an encounter with a spider. Original statement given November 22nd, 2011. Audio recording by Eden Sungilda, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London.

Statement begins.

This... is weird. I suppose I'm already weird, but writing down my thoughts and feelings about something that may be all in my head feels weirder. But I was told telling someone I trust would help me- but I can't go to a therapist and I can't talk to any of my friends, my mentor or companions, so you're the only one I can turn to.

You probably think I'm this weird woman stepping into a fancy place like this. I bet you're already associating other weird things with me too. The way your AC stopped working as soon as I stepped foot through those doors. The way your coffee is boiling hot even though it was lukewarm just moments ago.

Maybe you saw the burnt edges of the paper I'm writing on, and that's why you gave me the room for privacy.

I'm weird. That I know. And maybe I don't belong here. But this is my last resort.

I wasn't always weird. I actually used to be a star in the Royal ballet. A beautiful dancer followed by a spotlight wherever she went. A socialite that attended parties and went to clubs that normally would have been blocked off to someone of my background.

I'm putting off my statement. Sorry. I do that a lot, procrastinate I mean. You could say that's how all of this started. Because I procrastinated.

Or maybe, it started before that. When I was young. Both this nightmare and my dream.

I used to live in a village outside of San Salvador, and I loved the ballet with a passion. In the summer, there was one in particular I loved most of all. It was a folk tale from some other country, or maybe it wasn't. I can't remember where it came from. It almost felt like it had chopped up a bunch of myths from everywhere and sort of put them all together like a Frankenstein project. I loved it though. The story was about a spider, and a lamp.

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