Comfort | Part 2

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Esme shivered as Miguel landed in the alley way, his suit disappearing as he muttered to Lyla to dismiss Esme's as well. Back in their civilian clothes, Esme moved to slip from his hold but his grip tightened on her, pressing her closer to his chest.

"Stay. It's okay." She could feel his chest vibrate against her as he spoke, a soothing feeling that sunk into her skin.

He walked around to the front of the building, his face complete stone and voice flat as he approached the receptionist.

"I need a conjoined room on whatever floor you have. One night. Quickly." Esme elbowed him. "Please."

The woman looked up and down at his dripping wet form with an equally tired and drenched woman in his arms. Her eyes widened and she quickly nodded, her fingers gliding against her computer.

"A-alright. It'll be on the fifth floor, room 102B." She reached below the counter before she handed him a card. "Enjoy your evening sir."

Miguel cast her a glare, and was about to make a snide comment that he'd definitely enjoy it with a case of hypothermia, but Esme elbowed him again. So he just took the key and strode away to the elevators.

Esme shivered more, her skin starting to look less tan and more a blue tone. Miguel clenched his jaw and found the room fast, opening it and moving to the bathroom. He sat her at the edge of the tub and turned the water's heat all the way up, testing it with his hand to make sure it wasn't too hot as the faucet steadily gushed and filled the porcelain to the top.

"Okay, it's all ready." He stood up but Esme's hand gripped his sleeve.

He looked down to see her teeth chattering, her arm hugging herself as she looked up at him behind the dark veil of her hair.

"D-don't go."

Miguel quickly lowered himself to his knee to look her in her eye, taking her hand.

"Esme, you need to get in before it gets cold. You need to get your body heat back up."

She shook her head. "If you leave my sight, I might never see you again."

His eyes softened and he took her hand reassuringly. "Esme, I promise that won't happen. Please, get in the tub."

It was a reflexive action, zero thought behind it until he realized how nice her hand felt in his. How delicate her fingers brushed against his palm.

"Just stay. Get in with me." The quiver in her voice made his chest tighten.

"Esme, don't be silly."

"Why not? Our clothes are already wet."

He paused. She did make a good point. But what if it gave her mixed signals? Hell, the fact that he wanted to was giving himself mixed feelings. Would this be pushing the boundaries of their relationship? She did ask, but she was also not in the right state of mind. She was emotionally exhausted.

He sighed and pushed back his hair from across his forehead, eyes flickering to the water. The steam wafted invitingly, filling the room with a slighter warmth. He looked back at Esme's shivering form, her eyes closed as she waited for his response. It looked like she wasn't going to budge.

"Okay..." he pulled off his jacket before he lifted her and carefully stepped in the tub, lowering himself into the water with a sigh.

All the while, Esme hugged his body tightly, gasping from the change of temperature before she sunk against him, relishing in the warmth.

"Is this okay?" He questioned, getting comfortable leaning back with her weight positioned between his legs.

She nodded, sighing against him. Her hair floated around her neck, dark locks perfectly placed around her face. He hoped she'd stay like this, curled up against him like a puppy.

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