☇ 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙩

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"THERE'S NO WAY THEY'LL CANCEL IT. THEY CAN'T." KATNISS ADMITTED, SAT NEXT TO PEETA AS CEDAR SAT OPPOSITE THEM. Peeta had tried to get the games cancelled by announcing Katniss' 'pregnancy'. Cedar was just as stunned as everyone else. Just as the boy was about to speak, Effie and Haymitch entered the room, and the three stood up promptly. "The baby bomb was a stroke of genius." Haymitch smiled at Peeta, Cedar raising his brows briefly.

"I would've loved a pre-empted warning." He remarked, earning a glance from the Mellark. "Unfortunately," Haymitch looked at Cedar, then at Katniss. "Games are still on. This is goodbye, for now." Haymitch spoke, glancing at Cedar only briefly. It was difficult to look at him more than the others, as they had been partnering mentors for the past four years. It was painful to look him in the eye. Effie smiled at the man, before sighing shakily. "Presents for the boys." She announced, gathering attention to the small boxes she held in her hands. Getting given his, he opened it gently, seeing a ring. It was golden, and had red dotted throughout its band.

"What is this?" Haymitch asked, opening his box to find a golden bracelet, the design similar to flames engulfing the wrist. "Your token. Remember?" Effie spoke, Cedar glancing up at her. "Token?" He asked curiously, and Effie glanced at him too. "Our token. Hair for me. Pin for Katniss. Ring for you. Bangle for Haymitch. And for Peeta, that medallion we talked about." She listed, and the group looked at Peeta's medallion, the boy smiling lightly. "Thank you, Effie." He muttered, Cedar humming as he tried the ring on. "We're a team. Aren't we?" Effie asked the room, and everyone could hear the crack in her tone.

Katniss noticed immediately, nodding in agreement. "And I'm so proud of my Victors." She spoke, hand on Cedar's cheek before hugging the man. He hugged back shortly, the woman moving over to Peeta and then adjacently to Katniss to do the same. "So proud." She let out softly, stepping back. "You're so..." Effie paused, taking her time to inhale tears that won't ruin her makeup. "Well, you all deserved so much better." Her voice cracked, Cedar watching her. "Thank you, Effie." He hummed lightly. "I am truly sorry." Effie assured her stance on the matter, shaking her head at the three of them. Walking away, she dabbed her fingers on her cheeks to dry her tears. The four were in silence, Haymitch looking at Cedar before huffing.

Peeta and Katniss watched the man bring Cedar into a hug, one that Cedar didn't expect. "Thank you, Ced." Haymitch hummed, and Cedar's bottom lip quivered gently as he hugged back. "Thank you, Haymitch. For everything." Peeta remarked, and Haymitch and Cedar separated soon after. Looking down, he just huffed, hearing Peeta and Haymitch's hug ahead of him. "Any last advice?" Katniss asked softly, and Haymitch looked at her. "Stay alive." The man nodded, smiling only lightly before turning to leave- "Haymitch, wait." She called, and Haymitch turned to be pulled into a hug with the girl.

"Remember our deal. Do whatever it takes to keep him alive. Promise me." Katniss whispered, pulling back to look Haymitch in the eyes. "Okay." The man spoke, nodding. "Katniss, when you're in the arena, remember who the real enemy is." He assured softly, Katniss only being able to nod. With one last squeeze of the girl's shoulder, Haymitch walked out of the room the same way Effie did. "Goodnight." Cedar announced, and Katniss watched him pat Peeta's shoulder before moving towards her. She immediately hugged her brother, digging her face into his shoulder. She sniffled, situating herself as Cedar hugged back gently, rubbing the girl's back.

"Goodnight, Kat, okay?" He hummed, letting his own cheek rest on the girl's head. The two stayed in that position for a while, Cedar rocking the two side to side before Katniss separated them.



𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛, 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙝𝙪𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now