☇ 𝙚𝙣𝙟𝙤𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙬

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SHE GLANCED TO HER RIGHT THROUGH QUICK BREATHS, SEEING CASHMERE OBSERVE THE ARENA. The sun was blinding, and the smell of seawater quickly filled her nose. Peeta. Cedar. Where were they? "Let the 75th Hunger Games begin." The presenter, Claudius this time, called over the microphone. "May the odds be ever in your favour. Ten, nine, eight-" "Peeta? Ced?" She called out, watching people ready themselves to jump.

They were all placed on a pedestal, having to swim their way to the rock walls beside them that would lead them to the cornucopia. She wasn't ready for this. Peacekeepers had just stolen Cinna from her just seconds before, and now she was expected to fight? She wasn't ready at all. She needed her brother. "seven, six, five..." The cornucopia highlighted the countdown above, and Cedar adjusted his eyes as he looked for his sister. Beetee to his left and Mags to his right. It was an awful combination.

"three, two, one."

With no time to think, he dove into the water as soon as the cannon fired. Quickly finding his way to the side, he lifted himself up, seeing Beetee ahead of him. The man turned around, searching for his partner once he saw Cedar. He stopped, surrendering immediately. Cedar didn't bother to communicate, moving past Beetee quickly and rushing to the cornucopia. He grunted, feeling someone grip the front of his wetsuit and slam him into the cornucopia's walls. "It'd be a shame to go this early." He knew that voice anywhere. Gloss. The saltwater stung his eyes as he struggled, but Gloss just smiled as he held the man. Gloss had no time to react before Cedar's elbow reached his neck, jabbing it roughly.

Coughing, the man let go to hold his throat, Cedar managing to land another punch at the man's head. He just wanted to see his sister. Protect her. He didn't care for cameras on him, hearing yells and screams all around him as his body entered fight mode. Gloss stumbled backwards nearer the water, and Cedar didn't hesitate to trip the man up, watching him grunt weakly as he fell back. The water splashed around him, and Cedar felt a dull ache at the back of his head, but he couldn't stop moving as he ducked, a machete swung at his head.

Glancing back, Cedar watched Brutus get caught up with another fight, breathless as he stumbled around the cornucopia. His eyes magnetised towards a set of knives, and he quickly snatched them and crouched, messily adjusting the set on his waist. Katniss was busy pointing her arrows at Finnick, the man holding a trident. He raised his hand, and her brows furrowed at the golden bangle adorning his wrist. "Good thing we're allies, right?" He grinned, Katniss heaving. "Where did you get that?" She asked. That belonged to Haymitch. "Where do you think?" Finnick shot back, glancing behind her.

"Hey, Cedar." She turned around quickly, seeing her brother hold a random tribute by his neck, using a small knife to stab the man's throat. Pushing him into the water, Katniss rushed towards Cedar. "Don't trust one and two. I'll take this side. You two hold them off. I'll go find Peeta." Finnick called, Katniss watching her brother nod. "Mags was next to me, she can't be far." He called, his voice slightly hoarse. Finnick met eyes with the man, nodding himself before rushing away. "Are you okay?" She asked, Cedar nodding quickly. "Yeah-" He stopped himself, glancing behind her.

When she looked back, Enobaria was rushing towards them. Katniss immediately got out her bow, but the woman dived into the water before anything hit her. "Hey, Mags found Peeta. He's over here." Finnick yelled, and Katniss rushed towards the sound of his voice, Cedar quickly in tow. The three reached Mags, her panicked expression pointing towards the water. Peeta was busy punching a tribute mid-swim, the man holding him against a pedestal. Katniss' anxiety rose immediately, as she couldn't do anything but watch.

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