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Levi was then introduced to her band mates, Krista, Ymir and Marco-people he all knew from high school. Krista and Ymir were close to Serena so he had no problem with them being her band mates. It was Marco he had a problem with, he knew damn well that Marco was friends with Jean and that whenever Serena would leave out to work Jean would too. It would peeve him a lot so he instructed that he would individually talk to the band members and from there do what was best for the money being funded by the cooperation he worked for.

The first he 'talked to' was Marco, he wanted to know from him what was going on in his mind and what his plan was being so close to Serena. Before he wouldn't have never gotten so close to her-so why change so suddenly? When the two were in the back of the bus alone Levi set up a recorder without him knowing to show Serena later on.

"So Marco, let's just cut to the chase. Man to man here. What the fuck are you doing around Serena? It's pretty obvious that you are trying to get something out of being close to her so tell me what and I might just let you live as her guitarist."

"That obvious to you huh? Well if I must be honest, I asked to be her guitarist so one day she'd be able to be with Jean. Serena is the only girl in our class that's single that he hasn't fucked-I wanted to give him the satisfactory that he had taken her innocents but he's been too much of a pussy about it. He bailed out half way and ended up making her how she is now." Marco said with his arms crossed

Levi wanted to slit his throat but didn't want to end up doing something he was going to regret so soon. Instead he leaned back in the chair he was in and he crossed his arms. "That's all, get Krista."

He soon saw Krista and she was just as sweet as he remembered her being, after her was Ymir who was questioning him a lot-which he could have called. Ymir and him never really saw eye to eye and he knew that wasn't ever going to change. Afterwards he saw his best friend, once she came in he locked the door as he pinned her to the door.

"Serena...you're mine." He said lowly to her

Serena's dark brown eyes looked up at him before she placed her hands on his cheeks. "Am I now? What makes you think that I want to be owned like an item?"

Levi scoffed as he grabbed her hands and pinned them to the door before he kissed her on the lips. "That's not what I meant and you know it. Marco can't be trusted you shouldn't have allowed him to be a part of your band Serena."

"I have no say in that-that's all Hanji....Levi...kiss me again. I like the feeling of your lips against mine."

He grinned slightly before he gave into her request kissing her once more, that time with even more passion than before as he pushed her body up against the door as he forced her to open her mouth. She whimpered out softly against his lips as she held onto his hands tighter. Levi enjoyed the taste he got from her lips as well as how close he got to her. He soon parted from her lips as he pressed his forehead against hers.

"I'm going to get Marco out of your band and get you someone more trust worthy, I don't want you to ever get near anyone who has connections to the asshole who made you cry."

Serena blushed as she looked up at him. "T-Thank you...it makes me happy to know that you're really taking this seriously."

"Of course, at first it was just me being a good friend. But as I went to leave I got a call from Erwin my boss and he told me to take care of a traveling band that just started out not that long ago. I knew what band he meant and took the chance to be with you while I could. You're stuck with me for the rest of your tour."Levi said with a smirk

"I'm okay with that Levi."

"You better be because you're not getting rid of me that easily. I'm going to pester the fuck out of you no matter what you say to me."

She laughed and smiled at him. "I'm glad to hear that."

After talking with Serena, Levi talked with Hanji about Marco and his attitude towards the young raven haired female that was his friend. Of course Hanji wouldn't tell him anything so he had to threaten firing her from her job just to get her to tell him everything. Levi was livid to hear about the things that Marco would do to not only Serena-but to Krista too. Ymir was a touch cookie that didn't let anyone to anything to her, which was to be expected.

They had made a pit stop back in their home town only for Levi to kick the raven haired male out of the bus with his guitar. Levi looked at him with dark eyes. "You're fired from being part of the band, go find someone else to fuck up." Levi said coldly before he shut the door to the bus on him.

Levi then had the driver drive him to the CEO building where Levi spoke to Erwin who was still in the office. He explained what he had found out and was given a few papers to look over for a few guitar player. The only one that looked promising was a female named Melody. So he had called melody and met up with her with Hanji and Serena to see if they could get along with one another.

Instantly Levi could tell that Serena clicked with Melody, but something felt wrong but didn't make a mention to her just yet until he knew what was off about the female. As they toured Levi saw how many times Melody would talk to him and avert his attention from Serena to her. He knew that Serena was more than upset about not being able to talk to him civilly without the young blond girl getting in the way of things.

As they got to California Serena had it with the blond female and pushed her up against the wall of the venue as she glared directly into the girls dark green eyes. "Listen here bitch, Levi is mine. He and I Are a couple so don't you dare try and force yourself into his life when he already has a woman in his life."

Melody scowled at Serena and pushed her away from her. "I don't care if you're with him, I want him and I always get what I want."

"Not if I have any say in it." Serena hissed out irate before she walked off.

The entire time she performed Serena kept her eyes on Melody, she didn't trust her and she knew damn fucking well that she'd have to talk to hanji and levi about ditching her somewhere so they didn't have a problem. After the performance that night Serena went to change out of her clothes only for her dressing room door to get opened. She was going to yell but she saw that it was only Levi.

"Oh it's just you, what's up?"

Levi said nothing as he pushed her half naked body up against the cold wall of the dressing room as he kissed her on the lips. She kissed him back almost instantly as she felt his hands grope her breasts, she whimpered out as she held onto his arms. Levi soon kissed down to her neck as he picked her small body up from the ground and had her legs hooked around his waist as he pushed himself up against her.

"I can't wait for us to get back home Serena."

"I...Levi...Stop talking and just do it."

"I want to hear those words come out of you first, you love me...don't you Serena?"

"Yes...I...I love you so much Levi. Please...Please just fuck me."

That's all he needed to hear as he slid one of his hands up behind her back to undo her bra as he used his teeth to take it off of her shoulders. "You're mine now and forever, I don't ever want to hear anyone else's name come out of your mouth from here on out when I'm fucking your beautiful sweet body. Do you understand me?"

"Y-Yes...I understand Levi..."

As he heard her speak he grounded himself up against her letting her know just how attracted to her he truly was.

An Unhealthy Obsession [Modern Au] Yandere! Levi Ackerman x Stalker! OcWhere stories live. Discover now