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After working, and calming Serena down he knew damn that he'd have to do something about the man that was Serena's elder twin brother. When Levi left work he saw that Dustin was about to leave as well, so he told him that he could carpool with him since they'd be going the same direction. Even though Dustin didn't like Levi-he didn't want to walk all the way to the apartment complex so he agreed. The drive was silent until they got to the apartment complex. Levi didn't let him leave his car that quickly. Dustin looked to Levi confused. "What the hell Levi?"

Levi glared at Dustin as he turned himself to look at the male. "I think you know what exactly is going on here Dustin-you hurt Tina."

Dustin rolled his eyes. "Oh god, really this is why you're not letting me out. She deserved it."

Levi was quiet as he slipped his hand into the back of the passenger seat before he pulled a gun out. "Just like you're about to deserve this."

Dustin freaked out as he tried to get out of the car, but the car wouldn't budge. Levi took the safety off of the gun. Once he pulled the trigger nothing happened. Dustin stopped freaking out as Levi laughed darkly. "Wow you thought I'd actually kill you? This isn't even real-its a water gun that Serena kept in here."

Dustin blinked his eyes a few times. "Y-You...You were just fucking with me?"

"That was just a warning. You dare lay a hand on your sister again and I swear to fucking god I will actually kill you. Respect her or else." Levi said seriously

Dustin frowned. "Why do you give a damn about her, you broke up with her."

"I had made a mistake which I fixed-Serena can be rather understanding if given the truth. Which I did give her, it's why I was able to take her on three dates within the last month. I made sure to make time for her this time around-I made the mistake last time of placing her after my work and not before, so I made sure to change that." Levi said seriously "Anyways this time around she asked me out not the other way around."

"So it wasn't forced on her?"

Levi shook his head no, which made Dustin sigh. "Damn it...You know I seriously hate you. You don't deserve my sister."

"You don't deserve her either, she's took good for a bastard like you to have as a sister." Levi said before he unlocked the car and got out.

He saw that dustin was rather quick to get out before Levi locked the doors to his car again. When they got into the apartment complex there was an officer talking with Mikasa who looked unamused. Mikasa then looked to Dustin seriously. "Dustin, we need to talk."

Dustin looked confused. "What's up?"

"You didn't happen to brutally hurt the woman that's living with you did you?" Mikasa asked

Dustin's face went pale. "W-Why would you ask me that?"

"The police were called to your apartment but no one is answering the door. I knew you were gone and I don't have the number for the girl. So I told the officer to wait until you came here to answer questions."

Before dustin could open his mouth Serena came out of the apartment wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts. It was rather clear to see where she had been hit and hurt. She saw dustin and instantly shut the door locking it. Levi sighed out as he looked to Mikasa. "He's not going to answer your or that officer properly, but I can shed some light for you and the officer."

"What do you mean by that?" Dustin asked

"You'll see." Levi said before he left for his apartment and came back with his laptop open with a software up and running. "My ex girlfriend showed me how to use this before she passed, so I know the jest of using this thing. Tina didn't trust Dustin so she asked me to use cameras to watch over her and him-so I have on here footage of what happened earlier."

Dustin's face went even paler as he knew he would be caught abusing his younger sister. The officer took Levi inside of his apartment where he recorded the footage on his phone. Once the footage was caught the police officer looked to Dustin. "You are on thin rope boy, treat that girl right or I'll have to take you in. Sir mind taking care of that young lady until she can vouch for herself to press charges on this guy?" The officer said looking from Dustin to Levi

Levi nodded his head. "Sure thing, I can have her be in my apartment with me until then."

"That's all well and fine. Miss Ackerman we'll be in touch." The officer said before he walked off

When the officer was gone Mikasa glared at Dustin. "You are a cruel bastard to do that to her! You have no right telling her what she can and can't do! It's her life and you shouldn't have been in her room to begin with! For that I'm raising your rent." Mikasa said coldly before she walked out of Levi's apartment

Levi just looked at Dustin smugly. "Looks like you aren't going to see her for a while."

"Oh fuck you bastard." Dustin said before he slammed on the door to the apartment. "TINA LET ME IN YOU BITCH!"

He didn't get an answer and began to yell even louder, until he just gave up a half hour later. Levi then knocked on the door. "Tina dear, let me in. I need to talk to you."

The door opened slightly only for her to see it was just Levi, she quickly pulled him into the apartment before locking the door. "D-Dustin scares me Levi."

Levi cupped her face softly and kissed her on the lips. "It's okay, you'll be okay. until you are healed enough to press charges against Dustin you are going to be with me."

Her eyes lit up as she placed her hands over his. "R-Really?!"

"Yeah really, go and get your clothes."

She nodded her head and rushed off, as she did Levi went to get the cameras from where they were. They wouldn't be needed if she was going to be living with him for a while. Once he had the cameras he made sure she had a clear path from her apartment to his own. Once she was secured in his apartment he looked to where Dustin was sulking.

"Oi, dumb ass you can go in now. Serena isn't going to be a problem anymore." Levi said before he walked into his own apartment shutting and locking the door.

He spent most of his night taking care of Serena and her wounds before she fell asleep on his bed. When he knew she was asleep he went to take care of Dustin once and for all. He slipped out of his apartment and went to get the gun from his car, that time he placed bullets in the gun. He then slipped through Serena's bedroom window where he hid until he heard the sound of Dustin. When he knew that Dustin was inside of his room he went into the room and kicked him in his back placing him face first into his bed.

Dustin was stunned and winded for a bit before he turned around to see that Levi had a gun up to his face. "That's just the water gun isn't it? You're not fooling me this time around with that nonsense."

Levi growled and shot one of the bullets into his leg. "This one is real."

Dustin screamed out in pain as he saw the blood coming from his leg from the bullet. "You bastard! What the fuck are you doing?!"

"Making sure that Serena never has to cry to me because she's scared and terrified of her elder brother. She should be going to you when she's scared not running from you." Levi said irate.

"Y-You're going to kill me...aren't you? Just because I ruffed up my sister. She's mine to do whatever I wish to."

Levi Shot his other leg. "Guess again bastard, I'm not going to shoot you to kill, I'm shooting you to make you be in as much pain as you've inflected onto your younger sister. She's a lovely woman who shouldn't have to deal with your bull shit."

An Unhealthy Obsession [Modern Au] Yandere! Levi Ackerman x Stalker! OcWhere stories live. Discover now