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After the dishes were done Levi spent the night with Serena watching a movie with her in his apartment, she cuddled up against him as he petted the back of her head throughout the entire movie. Due to being calmed by Levi that night while they watched the movie she ended up falling asleep half way through the move. Levi noticed she had fallen asleep as he had heard her small snores, that's when he knew she had a hard time sleeping. He only ever heard her snore when she's had a hard time sleeping or when she had very little sleep for many days in a row. Levi slipped himself from under her before he carried her to his room where he placed her in the bed before taking her shoes off of her feet. When he had finished tucking her in there was a loud knock on his door so he answered it to see that it was Dustin and he had a female with him.

"So that's why you left your younger sister alone in the apartment, you aren't going to get in, she locked the door. She's currently asleep."

"Then get her to wake up, I don't want my plans fucked up because she chooses to sleep before I get home."

Levi scoffed out before he grabbed the key from the coffee table. "Here allow me, she gave me a copy of the key in case she needed me to do anything for her. Unlike you, she trusts me."

"My sister should trust me, if it wasn't for me she wouldn't be living here."

"If it wasn't for you she wouldn't have called me almost on the verge of tears. I honestly don't know what type of brother let's their anxiety induced younger sister be in an apartment they just got into alone, but you are a shitty brother to her and you'll see in time that she needs someone who is always there for her not someone who can't see what being alone does to her!" Levi said as he unlocked the door.

Once the door was opened Dustin glared at him. "My sister isn't getting anywhere near you so don't even think about it."

"Saying you can keep her away from me, I love her a lot more than you ever could express to her. At least I know better than to have her be alone anywhere. I wouldn't want the same thing happen to her that happened to her back when we were teenagers." Levi said before he went back into his apartment and shut the door.

Levi locked the door and placed the key back on the coffee table where she had it. He then went to get his pajamas on before he went to sleep with Serena right by him. When he lied down he had his arms around her gently as he nuzzled his head against her neck being rather content that she was in his arms at least for the night. Come morning time Levi woke up due to not having Serena in his arms, he knew she must have left out. He grabbed his phone to see that he had a text message from her.

Babe: Thank you for what you did last night, it makes me happy to know that you are so welcoming towards me like that. That you still remember how to treat me. I thought for the longest time that you forgot how to treat be right, but I'm glad that I was proven wrong last night. Also, did you let Dustin into the apartment last night? I went into the apartment to see him asleep with some bitch on /MY/ couch. >< I'm going to have to get that thing cleaned now cause of him.

Levi couldn't help but let out a low laugh as he saw what she wrote. "So I'm not the only one who thought his idea of being with that woman was bad. Good to know."

Levi then answered her message back, as he got out of his bed.

Levi: You're more than welcome, I don't want you to end up being how you back when we were sixteen. I refuse to have you go back to that. If I can keep you from that then so be it. As for your brother-yeah. He wanted me to wake you up so he could be with that woman. Sorry.

Babe: It's fine, I got him back. Before I left I managed to get a big picture of ice water and I threw it at him and the girl telling him the next time he wants to go and fuck someone do it in his room not on my couch.

Levi was in the midst of brushing his teeth when he saw the message, he almost choked on his toothbrush when he saw what she wrote. He finished brushing his teeth before he messaged her back.

Levi: Okay you almost had me choking on my toothbrush wtf Serena?!

Babe: XD hahahaha! I'm NOT sorry! Also mission complete owo

Levi: Mission?

Babe: C

Levi saw the letter and knew exactly what she had been talking about, she was finishing their agreement from the day before. So she could finally see him when he works and she was away on tour. She also knew how long it took to get from the apartment complex to the building so it was rather easy for her to calculate when he would be home and when he wouldn't be home. Her stalkerish attitude was coming back and it was for the better that it did. He wanted her to be happy with him, he looked to his bed and knew that as long as they were apart from one another he wouldn't ever have her in his bed again.

Levi: Ohhh, right. Just how long have you been up?

Babe: I woke up around five am, hadn't it been for the fact that you and I have to work I so totally would have stayed in your arms. It felt nice...

Levi: You know you CAN just drop the date thing and come back to me. I don't mind being with you without dealing with the dates.

Babe: And what fun would that be? I'd rather see you squirm under the pressure. It's about time you feel how I've always felt around you.

Levi had finished getting dressed by the time he had gotten the message from Serena, knowing that she was in a rather good mood it was obvious that she was showing her true self to him once more. He was going to state the obvious hoping that she wouldn't deny what they both knew of one another as he got himself his coffee.

Levi: Sadistic bitch

Babe: Masochist :P

Levi: Are you still in my office?

As he drank his coffee he knew he had to ask the question that was still running on his mind. He knew damn well that if she had placed the cameras in his office she probably still be in the office just so the two of them could talk. So he had to ask to make sure that he wasn't underestimating the young woman that he had fell in love with.

Babe: Yup! I gotta talk to you about stuff that I don't want to talk to you about via message

Levi: Be there soon, I just left my apartment.

Babe: Kay owo

Seeing the last message that she gave him, it was good to see that she was in a good mood, it meant that working with her would be easier if she was in a rather good mood. As he locked his apartment Dustin got out of his apartment. "Have you seen my shit sister?! She owes me an apology."

"Nope, haven't seen her since last night." Levi said as he turned to look at him. "And call your sister shitty one more time around me and see where that gets you. She wasn't the one who wanted to have a night time fling with a random stranger. If anyone is shitty it's you for thinking you can not only control her life but make her apologize for something that's obviously something you should be apologizing to her for. She doesn't need to see her elder brother in a position that should only be seen in a private area behind closed doors."

He then left to go to work as he made sure to message Serena one last time before he drove off to work.

Levi: Just met up with your brother, he didn't seem all that happy. Don't worry I told him off. He wanted you to apologize when he should be the one apologizing to you.

An Unhealthy Obsession [Modern Au] Yandere! Levi Ackerman x Stalker! OcWhere stories live. Discover now