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When they got into his office, Levi shut and locked it before he pushed Serena up against the wall. She looked at him with a weak smile on her face. "W-What's up Levi?"

He narrowed his eyes at her. "Oh don't give me that shit! When the fuck were you going to tell me you hid cameras in here?"

She tilted her head to the side. "I thought you knew already, since I already did the same to your bedroom."

Levi sighed as he placed his hand against her neck, "Does it look like I knew that you had done that? Just what the hell were you thinking doing that Serena? Do you want me to make you be the same way as she had when she died?"

Serena placed her hands over Levi's wrist, due to the fact that she couldn't breath. Levi realized he cut off her circulation and let her go only to get slapped hard against the face. "If it wasn't for what I did you'd still have that bitch trying to seduce you! Do you or do you not love me Levi Ackerman!?" She hissed out angered

He glared at her. "You didn't just slap me Serena."

"I did and I can do more than just that if needs be. Try me Ackerman!" She hissed out coldly

"You wouldn't dare."

She kneed him hard in the groin before she unlocked the door and bolted out. She took her own car back home, after that she called Ymir and told her that she was going to take her offer. Ymir and Christa were both over in minutes as they helped her move her things and get her out of the apartment she lived in with Levi. She took down the camera's she had in the house before she shut down the ones that were in his office. The last thing she did was leave a letter for Levi before she left out. After she left she made sure to leave the key she had in the mail box compartment.

When Levi came home he felt as if something was off, he called out to Serena only to not get anything, so he went to where her room was only for his silver eyes to widen in shock. The room was completely empty, seeing it empty shattered him. He went to his room and went to see if the camera was still in his room but it wasn't. "DAMN IT!" He yelled as he kicked his office chair before he went into the kitchen only to see a note on the fridge.

|Levi, you did this to yourself. You shouldn't have laid a hand on me the same way that Jean had, you promised me you wouldn't be like him and here you are being exactly like him. I've moved all of my things to a place where you won't be able to touch or see me anymore. This is my way of breaking up with you. I cannot be with someone who would abuse the one they love, from here on out you're on your own and I hope this teaches you to be nicer to women who actually give a fuck about you.-Serena|

He dropped down to the ground as he read the letter, she moved her things and she broke up with him? He didn't think that he would ever see the day where she would leave him. Levi didn't even know what to do in the situation he was in, no one ever tried to break up with him. It was always him who did it. Now being on the other end of it-he knew he really fucked up. He knew he would have to do something to get Serena to see that he loved her but what...he had no idea. But what he did know was that he was now all alone without the warmth of Serena around him.

"Serena...why did you have to leave? Why did you have to go away like that?" He said sadly as he looked down at the note in his hands

He didn't want to be without her, she was the only woman that he truly loved and wanted to be around and now...now he didn't even know how to find her. As he stared at the note his vision got blurry he didn't understand why until drops began to go onto the paper. His eyes widen as he realized that he had cried over the loss of Serena. For the first time in over a decade he had cried.

An Unhealthy Obsession [Modern Au] Yandere! Levi Ackerman x Stalker! OcWhere stories live. Discover now