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After taking a breath he began to read the letter to himself, hoping that it would give him some type of relief and closure over her death.

"Dear Levi Ackerman, I know that my death may come to you as a shocker-that it may even hurt you to hear that I am gone. But everything isn't as it seems. I wanted to see how you reacted to seeing someone else in my place, to seeing someone who wasn't me playing my part in my very own band. Knowing that even now you're harsh, that you are so cold to people that you don't even know upsets me. Tina Park, isn't just a stranger to you. She shouldn't be-remember our time as young teens. Remember my hobby growing up, where did that name come up?

If you aren't stupid you should already know that it came from my fictional book. That Tina Park is me, just in a different form. So just guess who Tina Park is now, even with her dyed hair, even with her changed eyes. She looks and sounds like me right? So it should be no surprise that Tina Park takes my place. If you really want to find out the truth about Tina Park Listen to the CD's, listen rather carefully and I assure you that things will be cleared up. I never wanted us to break up, I never wanted to leave your side or the apartment. But your harsh, cold words made me want to. You were the last person keeping me sane and you shattered that. So I hope this proves to you just how seriously in love I am with you Levi.

Yours only forever, your dearly departed ex girlfriend and ex best friend Serena."

Instantly Levi went to the box as he went sorting through the CD's, he noticed that the CD's not only had the months but years as well. He listened to the earliest one first through his computer with his headphones. He first heard her breathing before she spoke. "This is going to be an audio book of my fictional story of Tina Park. Listen carefully and you'll find the truth out."

Levi shut his eyes as he heard the beautiful voice of Serena speaking. "Go on Serena, I'll listen to you."

"Life can have a double meaning to it, life can change a person. Just like it did to one specific female Tina Park, but her name wasn't always that...her name once was something completely different. It all started back when she was in elementary school, she met up with the most amazing male she could ever ask for as a friend. His name was Revi, Revi was a stoic boy through and through whenever he was around people. But as he began to be around her at the young age they were at-he opened up. He showed her a side of him that he never showed to anyone else, she thought she was just seeing things but he told her once they were almost teenagers that he saw her as the only reasonably smart females in their class and grade. She was happy to hear such words from him, she swore he was just using her for his own amusement...but it wasn't the case at all."

Levi paused the audio as he teared up. "You're rewriting our lives with two different characters...What the fuck Rena?"

He fast forward the audio a bit, then played it. "...now in middle school they met up with two new friends Fredrick and Isabella, who they called fred and Izzy. Revi at that time began to start to date half way through their middle school year-much to Reya's chagrin. Izzy and Fred knew that Reya had a crush on Revi, so they tried to get Revi to get closer to Reya-only for it to time and time again fail. Revi didn't see Reya as a girl who was dating material at that time. She was just his female friend who had been with him since grade school, but that changed one day in their senior year of high school.

Their two new friends Fred and Izzy...they died in a gun shoot out. Revi was in the bathroom when it happened, unlike Reya who had been bullied between classes and was stuck in her school locker. Reya heard the gun shots but didn't know what happened until it was too late to do anything, Revi had to help her out of her locker before he somberly told her that their friends were dead..that she was the only one he had left."

An Unhealthy Obsession [Modern Au] Yandere! Levi Ackerman x Stalker! OcWhere stories live. Discover now