Chapter 1

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Ryan's POV 

CRACK!  My glasses shattered on the ground wasn't a sight I thought I would see today...well not see, more like squint at the blob on the ground that resembles my glasses, except in more pieces than it used to be. 

"OH MY GOD, THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING TO ME! WHY DIDN'T YOU LOOK WHERE YOU'RE GOING?!" This girl in front of me flips her hair off her shoulder and begins to walk toward me furiously. 

"Me?  You're the one who's walking on the wrong side of the hallway and if you're so keen, you would've seen me too," I get up from the ground and I suddenly realize that this girl is practically a whole foot taller than me. The heels she's wearing add some inches but no wonder my glasses are ruined, we got freaking giraffes roaming around here! 

"you're the one whose nose is in a book when you need to be focus on where you're going. This shirt was my favorite and now it's ruined" Water drips from her baby blue crop top. 

"Are you dumb? It looks like it just water. The shirt will be just fine"

"Whatever, no wonder you couldn't see where you're going, since you're the size of an ant." She stomps away before I can get another word in. I can still hear her high heels click down the hallways long after I can't see her anymore. 


That girl was absurd, she was the one who practically ran into me, I haven't even seen her before. All the stuff she was wearing is too expensive for any of the people who live around these parts.


Great, class is about to start and I can't hardly see what's in front of me half the time. I need to find my back up pair of glasses, if I don't I'm going to need another pair, but I don't have the money for that. I guess squinting is my best friend as of right now. 

Putting one foot in front of the other, I assume I look like a grandpa with dementia who doesn't know where he is. My hair won't stop poking my eyes too, maybe I should've fixed it a little bit instead of the birds nest I currently have on my head. 

I remember decently the way to my classroom but I'm pretty sure I'm going to be late with all the walking into lockers and water fountains. Finally I make it to the classroom and knock on the door and it takes a little bit but someone answers the door.

"here you g- oh hell nah, you're in here?"

 Even though I'm blind as a bat right now, I can distinctly can tell that bratty tone is the voice of the "pretty princess" from earlier, I'm not too convinced she wasn't originally a frog. 

"I've been here since the start of the school year, you on the other hand, is a new sight to see"

She scoffs at me like what I said wasn't the whole truth "With the way you're looking around at the place, I don't think you can see any new sights," she let's go of the door before I get the chance to hold it myself and I almost don't catch it before it closes. She looks back at me struggling with the door and I swear I see a small smirk on that horrible face of her's. 

I take my seat and I'm lucky she's on the other side of the class, hopefully this way I don't got to talk to her again for the rest of the year. The day goes on and I'm pretty sure I'm seeing a pattern here...She's in everyone of of my classes. I'll just keep my distance and it'll be fine, I hardly talk to any of the people in my classes anyways so this should be no problem. 

Once I'm in my last class of the day, biology 2, The teacher stands at the front of the room waiting for everyone to take a seat. "Ahem, settle down everyone. If everyone wouldn't mind, please standup and move the number seat i call out for you, we're going to be changing seats today" The room is full of sighs but everyone still stands up anyways. 

He calls out names in alphabetical order but I don't start paying attention till he starts saying last names that start with L. "Andrew Lewis, seat 18" "Ryan Miller, seat 19" I go to my assigned seat, it's a 2 person table and he hasn't yet called the name of the person who's gonna sit next to me. 

"Jennifer O'Brien, seat 20" I look up and see the familiar blurry figure of the petty princess whose name is apparently "Jennifer". This is just great, there's no one way I can avoid this girl now. I just won't talk to her and from the way I don't hear her annoying voice, I don't think she wants to talk to me either. 

The rest of the class went smoothly since he didn't make us do any activity that required us to converse with one another. It's the end of the day and I remember that the counselor hooked me up with a pretty good job that pays well, I should probably check with her to see what day it starts. 

I walk into her office and while walking in I accidentally bump her desk and knock over her stapler, I fumble while picking it off the ground and can already tell that one of the patches on my jeans is coming lose "Hello Ryan, what it is that you need?" I think she's making an annoyed face at me, but I can't tell for sure.

"I was just wondering when that job you got for me started, Its a tutoring job right?" 

"It is a tutoring job, and you didn't know? it starts today."

My jaw actually drops "TODAY?!" 

"Yes, today. It starts at 6:00 PM and its currently 3:46 PM, Shellyville Road 817 is out far so I would hurry if I was you."

"Oh shoot, thank you, I got to get going, have a nice day!" Im already halfway out the door when I hear her say "Also go find your glasses, you gonna get hurt!" Where did my extra pair go, I haven't seen them in like a month. Wait, now that I think about, I haven't used my locker in about a month either.

I run as best as I can to my locker almost knocking myself into a trash can on the way, I reach my locker and look inside, My glasses are inside there, thank goodness I won't have to fumble myself around the place. Now that I'm not blind anymore I need to start getting a move on and get me some more money, I really need it. 


After what seems like days of biking, I finally make it to this persons house at 5:52 PM. The house or should I say mansion looks like something out a Hollywood movie, I've never imagined I would even ever be allowed to step foot into a place like this. At the front door I sent an older man in a suit. 

"Hello, you must be the student tutor that is supposed to come today, correct?" the man leans toward me expectantly.

"Yes, I think I am."

"Excellent! If you would, please follow me." I follow him and I can only assume that the people who live here have money flowing through their blood stream from almost every room I pass in has a chandler in it, why would they hire a student tutor when they could probably hire a state of the art teacher. 

"She is waiting for you in the room at the end of the hallway on the right" He stops and I assume he wants me to go all on my lonesome to the room, I get to the room and I hear a familiar voice on the phone with someone. 

"Yeah, oh my god, my dad is seriously making me take this broke people teacher thingy to try and get my grade up, pffft like that would work. I really do need to get my grades up again, I miss y'all and can't wait to get back to you-"

"Excuse me," I say, not trying to interrupt her but I get the feeling I would have been standing here a long long long time if I don't say something now. She's still looking at her phone and this is the first time I've seen her with my glasses on and my mind was right on the "basic blonde mean girl" image it had create of her. 

"Oh shoot, I think the teacher thing is here, ill have to call y'all back later, smooches, byeeeeee" She turns toward me but her eyes are still on her phone "Heyyy, I'm Jennifer, nice to meet y-" Her sentence stops dead in its tracts when her eyes lay on me. 

She takes a deep breath.


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