Chapter 2

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Jennifer's POV

I take a deep breath trying to calm down


He tilts his head like he's confused, what's there to be confused about? I'm sure I said it loud enough for him to hear me. 

"Hellooo? I said leave, am I speaking a different language or something?"

He squints his eyes like he did earlier when he didn't have any glasses on, except this time I think he can see perfectly well. "I would love to leave, but I can't," 

"What do you mean you can't? I told you to leave and what I say goes." 

He laughs a little, "I can't because even though you're acting like a spoiled toddler, I need the money, so I'm not leaving till its time to leave."

"Well the time to leave is now," I cross my arms trying to signal that this discussion is over and its time for him to get out.

He doesn't catch the hint and continues anyways "Actually the time to leave is 8:00 PM, which is 2 hours away." I roll my eyes so hard, I think I saw my brain. 

"Well I can leave and not help you, but from the sound of that phone call, you need to get those grades up. "

Im still not convinced in letting him stay, I just want this snarky little boy out of my house "Why do you even want to stay?"

"Like I said, I need the money. Unlike you princess, I can't just sit around on my butt doing nothing to make my way in life."

"Don't call me princess."

"Whatever you say..." He pauses for a moment and just by the look on that stupid face of his, I can tell he can't help but be a doucebag, "...Princess"

"Ugh get out!" I go to slam the door in his face but he grabs the door before I can close it all the way, for how short he is, he sure is fast.

"Wait, wait, wait, my bad, can't you just give this one try and then, if you don't like it, I won't tutor you ever again?"

"I know I won't like it with how much of an asshole you are!"

"C'monnnnnn, just one try?" He face gets real ugly when he pouts his lips and furrows his brows, I think it's his attempt at a puppy dog eyes.

"Oh my god, whatever, we can do the stupid tutor stuff if you would just stop making that face already."

He stops making the face and I can see the sly expression that was hiding underneath. "Yes! That face always works in my favor"

"Pfffft, yeah, but I don't think it's for the reason you think."

We sit down on the floor next to my coffee table and he opens up his backpack to reveal the most hideous sight I've ever seen...A lot textbooks and packets of work.

"What's all this? You don't think I'm going to be doing all of that, do you?"

"Oh I don't think you're going to be doing all of this, I know you are. According to your father in the email he sent, you need to bring your grades up in 4 different classes and to do that, we need to go over all of this information." He scoots a packet in front of me, at the top it says "Calculus worksheet" 

"Oh hell to the nah, I thought this would be like one problem at a time sort of ordeal!"

"It is. we're going to go step by step, problem by problem, till you get the hang of it." He lowers his voice and mumbles "Though you didn't know that water wouldn't ruin you're shirt, so maybe this will be a lot harder than I thought"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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