Chapter 1 Daily Life 1/9

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Monobob: Lookie here, we should probably get going but first, Monobosip has something to say.

Monobosip: Thanks. Clears throat. This hotel is your life, your world, it's to killer be killed, because this is a hotel of overkill. Got it!? Good.

After they said that, they both left, leaving us to only look at each other with suspicion, wondering of who would make the next move, wondering who would betray us.

The silence was interrupted...

Odio Todo: Hmm, i'm sure I can figure my way around this place.

Dobot: The hell you mean, you're gonna get yourself killed.

Odio Todo: I've raised you you should've known that I could easily handle myself whenever I look into things that are risky.

Juni: But where in a killing game, any slip up would lead to death, do you really want that on your conscious?

Odio Todo: No, not at all. It's just that if we stick together or separate, we're gonna get screwed over either way. That's why I've decided to split up from you guys because it has more advantage instead of sticking together.

Juni: I guess but be careful.

Dobot: Yes please be careful... pleaseee...

Odio Todo: Don't worry, I got this.

After Odio said that, as expected he left.

Bloodlust Bob: S-So... w-what now.

Eternity Bob: It's best. We should probably get the lobby because we've been wasting our time in here, also, we should probably explore the hotel.

Dowaev: But where should we go if we have all the stuff we need?

Eternity Bob: I'm pretty sure there's a map in the H-phone.

Bloodlust Bosip: Well that's the obvious answer, so let's just take a peek shall we?

We all turned on our H-phones...

Dragon Bofo: Huh, you're right there is a map button.

Chaos Boder: Looking at the map, there seems to be a buffet, maybe we should go there and gather around to see what we investigated.

Chaos Bobot: That's a good idea.

Eternity Bob: I mean, the buffet is the only room in the first floor that can easily fit all of us.

We all walked out of the lobby and into the hallway. I literally walked up to the three elevators at the other end of the hallway.

Eternity Bob: I'm quite curious to why there is a giant elevator between the two small elevators?

Bloodlust Bosip: Yea. I wonder if we can activate it?

Eternity Bob: I don't think-

The Monoduo popped up out of nowhere right beside Lovesick.

Bloodlust Bosip: OOP-


Bloodlust Bosip: Why's that?

Monobosip: Because they're only open after a murder happens. Well for the small ones. The giant middle elevator leads to the trial. So it's best not to fiddle with it.

Eternity Bob: Well thanks for explaining it I guess?

The Monoduo disappeared again.

Seriously I will never understand how they're doing that.

Bloodlust Bosip: Man, I wanted to see the other floors.

Eternity Bob: It's best to follow the rules cause we don't know what will happen if we break one of them. 

Bloodlust Bosip: I guess.

We decide to check the right side of the hallway, that connects to the elevators.

At the end of the hallway, we saw a door that has the word "theater" slapped onto it.

We walked in and inside there was a stage, of course, as well, with a bunch of seats from left to right, and it seems that Apocalypse Bobal and Aoba are in here.

Apocalypse Bobal: I couldn't have guessed you two would be coming in here.

Eternity Bob: What makes you say that?

Apocalypse Bobal: No reason, but I just realized something when we were investigating this place.

Eternity Bob: And that is-

Aoba: I'll tell them.

Apocalypse Bobal: Really, I didn't expect you to come speak up, because you seemed like an introvert, but be my guest.

Aoba: The theatre is covered in cobwebs and dust, so I believe this place isn't very used as much.

Bloodlust Bosip: I was touching the seats and yeah you're correct it doesn't look like this theater is used as much, and they're pretty much covered in dust.

Hearing the fact that this place is covered in cobwebs and dust, makes me curious of why the cleaning rule is used.

I get it this area isn't used that much but, what if someone wants to make a theater right now?

We later see someone busting into the theater.

Dobot: Hey punks, I found this drawing when I was in the buffet.

The drawing Dobot was showing us depicted a crippled tree that was covered in snow.

Dobot: Who in your dumbass mind would leave a drawing of a tree.

Eternity Bob: Do you think it could be important?

Dobot: Idk I thought it was important to me that you guys should know this.

Eternity Bob: Well could be important for later.

Bloodlust Bosip: To me, it just looks like a drawing at best. So leave it like that.

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