Chapter 1 Daily Life 2/9

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Bloodlust Bosip: Plus it looks ugly anyway.

Dobot: It is messy for a drawing of a tree. Why did I waste my time with this?

Aoba: Well you should probably leave it where you found it.

Dobot: Yea I should probably never find this in the first place.

Eternity Bob: I thought we agreed it could be important.

Dobot: At the moment it's not important, so it's best if we should leave it.

Eternity Bob: I... ok..

Dobot put the drawing into his pocket.

Apocalypse Bobal: Now what?

Aoba: We should go somewhere else or-

Aoba got interrupted by...

Ding Dong Bing Bong...

A little TV monitor in the back left corner, turned on and showed The Monoduo sitting on separate chairs. 

Monobob: Attention everyone, Monobosip has something to say!

Monobosip: It's now 10 PM, please enter your respective hotel rooms, and count the sheep while you're at your slumber, alright.

The TV monitor turns off.

Bloodlust Bosip: That means we should probably sleep.

Aoba: And we should probably continue investigating the environment went in tomorrow.

Eternity Bob: For now we should probably sleep.

We left a theater  room and decided to go through the hallway to find our rooms.

I went up to mine, and it showed my name "Eternity Bob" and a number below it that says "37372179". 

I looked at my ticket for good measure, and it also says "37372179".

The door seems to have a scanner under the doorhandle, I suspected that's used to scan the ticket.

I scanned it and boom unlock the door.

I went inside my room and decided ponder to myself...

I what else I should probably find, is there something that might lead to something?

I decided to shake those spots off in the side to get ready to bed.

I laid on my bed and drifted off to sleep...

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