Chapter 2

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A few weeks before,

She was getting ready for her job at the cafe shop below her house when someone knocked on her bedroom. She opened the door and smiled as soon as she saw the person on the other side of the door.

"Sophia!" She jumped on her and hugged her tightly. Sophia chuckled and hugged her back.

Sophia was a young girl, she had long brownish black hair that was till her elbow but she tied then in a high ponytail showing her beautiful brown eyes, her slightly pointed nose and her red, luscious lips that were curled into a smile after seeing her best friend. She looked around 5 feet 5, and she had a slim but healthy body.

"Get down! You are heavy!" Sophia said as she patted her back. She got down from her and held her hands tightly.
"When did you come back?!"

"Last night. I wanted to meet you, but you were sound asleep, so even I went to sleep. " she chuckled.

"But why did no one tell me that you were coming?!" she pouted.

"Because I told them not to. I wanted it to be a surprise for my best friend. " Sophia smiled and pecked her cheeks, making her giggle.

"So, tell me," Sophia asked with a smirk on her face.

"Tell you what?"

"I heard you were checking out my cousin last time he came," Sophia smirked as she blushed and hit Sophia's arms.

"Wh-who told you such a lie?!"

"Come on, Alina, you can not lie to me. If you want, then I can hook you up with him. All you have to do is tell me, "

Alina was a young girl, her height was the same as Sophia. Her hair was only till her shoulders but they were a bit wavy, with blue eyes that could hypnotise you the second you look into them, a slightly smaller nose, and pinkish redish lips that you want to kiss.

"No, thank you, and he has a girlfriend,"

"Does that hurt you? Do you wish that they break up?"

Alina made a disgusted face. "Never! Why would I wish for that?! And he is just a little handsome, not really my type. He has a lot of tattoos on his body, and he seems to be rough, whereas I don't like tattoos, and I want someone who seems to be soft and soft. "

"How can you say that he is not soft? He could just have a hard exterior. "

"Have you seen his girlfriend limping? She can't even get the order"

"Damn! He is not at all soft. "

"Ya think?" Alina said while giving Sophia a sassy look.

"Anyways," Sophia wrapped an arm around Alina's neck. "How about you take a leave today and we hang out?"

"I cannot. Even though you are the owner, you don't know that it's the exam time of the colleges beside us, so the cafe is mostly full with students studying or trying to study, at least" Alina pushed Sophia away and wore her shoes as she was preparing to go down the coffee. She lived in the same building as the coffee shop.

"I know it's the exam time, but I have more people working over there, so you don't have to worry about that."

"I have to, and I will! I work there and I can't take a leave on crowded days. The others will feel that it's not fair because they want to take a leave and hang out with their friends and family, but they can not, so how can I?"

"Always thinking about others" Sophia sighed.

Alina ignored what Sophia said and headed to the door

"Are you coming?"

"I will down in a little while. I have to get ready before I walk out of this apartment. "

Alina chuckled and nodded. She bid Sophia her goodbye and then left to go downstairs and help the other workers with their work

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